Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How to Kill Time Before Heroes Season 3

The 3rd season of Heroes continues to create anticipation in fans, while there is continued speculation that a SAG strike may put this season to an abrupt end or on hold. While fans wait for the return of Season 3, they can still go to various websites online that connect to the Heroes show. A recent article at Fast Company examines all of the cool online offerings for the show.

Included in these various sites are:

Primatech Paper Site,
Corinthian Casino & Hotel,
Yamagato Fellowship,
Activating Evolution and a
Create Your Hero (by Sprint)
Heroes Trivia Contest (by Sprint).

Many of these sites are fully interactive, allowing fans a very unique web-based experience that connects them to the hit NBC series and its various characters. Several of the offerings deal with deceased characters or those no longer seen on the show, such as Hanna "Wireless" and Mr. Linderman, the mob boss who was killed by DL Hawkins on Season 1. One such offering allows fans to receive text messages from Primatech as if they were agents working for "The Company". Are you on the list?

See the article "The Wide, Wide World of Heroes" here.

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