Is Heroes' Criticism Fair?
It appears not everyone is overly enthused with the Second Season of NBC's "Heroes". FlickDirect has a recent write up, "NBC's Heroes Isn't Off to a Great Start" in which they criticize the show as having weak plot lines and stereotypical characters.
The review comes after just 3 episodes of the show. I can only defend it since I became a huge fan of the show after Season 1 and realize the storylines do take some time to unfold and become more intriguing as we go along. Many people called the Season Finale a letdown, which may be true. However one of this show's strongest assets continues to be its "mysterious" quality which always hangs over our heads and the heroes' heads. Even if certain things appear predictable they never are. Last season fans were kept guessing all season long as to who or what would blow up New York. It turned out to be fan favorite, Peter Petrelli. Now fans are wondering who the mysterious hooded figure is and who the guy terrorizing Molly Walker is (revealed to be Matt Parkman's father in the "Kindness of Strangers" episode). There's also mystery surrounding what Sylar will do and who his next victim will be almost always.
To criticize the show early on would be easy. I'll be honest the three love stories are a bit much, although they are a necessary tool in most TV and movies. Claire continuing to whine about wanting a normal life can be overdone as well. But when it's all said and done the show gives us plenty of mystery to ponder and supercool powers to see in action.
Labels: Commentary, Season 2, Serial Hero Killer
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