Peter's Montreal Painting
On Episode 205 of Heroes, "Fight or Flight", Peter remembered his power to paint. His glossed over white eyes scared Kaitlyn as he franticly began to stroke the paintbrush on a blank canvas. The end result was the picture seen above, which Peter and Kaitlyn determined was possibly Montreal. The street signs in the painting were written in French and earlier, Peter discovered in his box of personal belongings a plane ticket for Montreal.
It raises questions though: How did Peter get the ticket? What is the purpose of the ticket? Who might be in Montreal? Well we can think back to when Peter's mother, Angela wanted Claire to go there to hide away. Of course, Claire escaped the clutches of Angela and her dad, Nathan, and didn't end up there.
Most likely it will now involve Peter going there to protect his mother, who will be hiding out from the evil hero killer. If not that, it will be a dead end he searches for answers. It's also reasonable to believe that Elle, the new blond girl we met who works for "The Company", shocked Peter and then cuffed him into the container on the docks. This might be stating the obvious, but she went to retrieve him on the docks and was checking out the empty container. It definitely makes for a cool new power that Peter can use, and you have to wonder if Sylar will get it as well..
Labels: Kaitlyn, Peter Petrelli, Speculations, Theories
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