Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Heroes Evolutions - Online

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A writers strike may have cut Season 2 of Heroes short, but the popular series is able to live on through a great media production online. One aspect of this involves the "Heroes Evolutions" section of the NBC Heroes site. Evolution was originally called Heroes360, but it was decided during a team meeting that 360 was a thing of the year 2006.

The aim of Heroes Evolutions is to create new story content online. It is a digital extension of the show which looks at the Heroes characters and the evolving Heroes universe. The project manager is Joe Tolerico, also an NBC senior producer.

According to BuddyTV.com, Tolerico says about his team:

“It really ‘takes a village,'” he said.  “There are many people who work on 'Heroes Evolutions.'  For some it is suggestions of storylines, for others it is producing new and original video pieces and for still others it's about negotiating deals with great comic book writers!  All in all there are about 20 people who touch the product in one way or another.”

One of the stories Evolutions looks at involves the character Wireless who made a very brief appearance on a few episodes of the TV show. It also looks at a mysterious character named Richard Drucker, a relative of Wireless.

The Heroes online content is definitely fan friendly and makes great use of the internet media technology. It creates a Heroes universe that the Heroes fan can easily become immersed in, and kills time until Season 3 begins...

You can check out and sign up for Evolutions updates here.

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