Sylar Goes Good, Claire Goes Ballistic!
The writers have definitely given us a great start on Season 3. Add to that Sylar's new role, and seeming comedic one-liners, and they definitely want the fans invested back in NBC Heroes. We now have Sylar in a suit, teaming up with Noah Bennet to track down the villains who escaped Level 5. Claire has undergone a brief training season with her mother in an isolated cargo box. So we get the flipping of good vs. bad, as they mentioned we would for this season.
We can already see this plot development coming a mile away. Sylar goes good, to "help" HRG track down the bad guys. Sylar is in sort of a personal growth stage/battle with himself to stop cutting off the tops of heads and stealing powers. His mentors are Angela Petrelli and Noah Benett. Meanwhile indestructible cheerleader, Claire Bennet, is oblivious to the pairing of Sylar with her father, and is going out on a personal mission to take Sylar out. The good news is that HRG is sorta on the same page, wanting to help his daughter destroy Sylar, but doesn't realize her plans. He's always been one to keep her out of harm's way. So I fully expect we'll see a Claire vs. Sylar showdown..Possibly Peter gets involved, unless..
We get a Peter vs. Peter showdown. The futuristic Peter wearing all black, versus modern Peter, learning to cope and control his powers. It's like a Matrix style battle in the making, of clones. But seriously, do Heroes fans not want the fourth installment of Sylar vs. Peter? That seems to be the true backbone of the show. Each guy has vast powers and can do some major damage. Having these two face off in the city streets or some abandoned warehouse full of machinery makes a lot of sense, and for Must See Heroes TV!
Another interesting aspect is that Hiro Nakamura and Ando are in a cell on Level 5 right nearby to resident Sylar. Sylar would love that whole teleportation, stop time power, because it makes his power-stealing that much easier to do. But as long as Haitian's in the building, all powers are off at the door...
Meanwhile the Parkman "Lost in Africa" story seems to be a replay of last season's Hiro "Lost in Ancient Time" story. The difference is Parkman really isn't using his powers, he's just zoning out to his new friend's iPod and checking out mysterious paintings. Apparently, Matt meets a new woman, but she dies in his arms. Is the blonde we saw someone we know (Tracy, Elle, Daphne)? Or is a brand new character waiting in the wings?
It seems this season still has mysteries involved, but the writers/creator have deliberately informed us what may be coming. Now let's hope for some great twists and turns in a climactic payoff for Season 3!
Labels: Ando, Angela Petrellia, Claire Bennett, Commentary, Hiro Nakamura, HRG, Matt Parkman, Peter Petrelli, Season 3, Speculations, Sylar
I'm loving Season 3 right now.
10/04/2008 4:47 PM
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