Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Whose Powers Do You Want?

Here's my ranking of the heroes from 1 to 7 in terms of whose powers would be coolest to have.

1-Claire - Being indestructible is pretty badass.
You would have the confidence to do just about anything and not worry about getting injured. The problem is you'd have a lot of pressure on you to help people out, and a crazy scientist/agent adoptive father.

2- Hiro, teleporting/time travel - Definitely a cool power and not one you see all too often in comic book superheroes. Another power that can be used for good or bad. Being able to stop time or see the future and go back in time to warn others is almost as badass as being indestructible.

3- Matt - mind reading/hearing people's thoughts - Never wonder what a person is thinking about at the moment again. Be able to predict things and live your life knowing the exact truth at all times. It could also drive you insane hearing so many thoughts circling around that aren't your own.

4 - D.L. - We don't have a full understanding of his powers right now, but it appears he can walk/phase through solid objects and maybe even morph himself into them. That can be pretty dangerous in itself.

5 - Peter or Nathan - ability to fly - while its cool, its very cliche and seems to have less purpose other than fun. Its one of the most common powers comic book superheroes have already.

6 - Niki - violent personality side - not even sure she has powers at this point, but if that's it, it seems uncontrollable and not helpful to have. A scary thought, you wouldn't remember the havoc you wreaked.

7 - Isaak - painting the future - Yes he seems to be the guy who is showing the heroes their quest, but if that's all he can do, whats the point. Is he going to paint a portrait when Sylar shows up to chop off his head? It's better to travel into the future like Hiro, instead of paint it.

What powers would you want?



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