Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Monday, February 05, 2007


So now we've seen Claire's mother, and tonight we just might see who her father really is. Many people have speculated it was HRG, Sylar, Peter or Nathan and yes, Linderman.

Linderman is the guy we've yet to see on the show and obviously this would bring the biggest shocker on Heroes. That Claire's real father is the same guy who has sent thugs after DL, Niki and Micah, and the same guy who was facing a court case involving Peter and Nathan's father. So it would come as a HUGE shock if this man is in fact Claire's father. It is quite possible Linderman is the guy, and he is also the guy who HRG works for. HRG might have been entrusted as the "guardian" of Claire by Linderman. The question becomes what are the motives of Linderman? Also what was the deal with the explosion that Claire and her mother were a part of? Was it caused by Claire's mother or someone else?

In addition to that, we may be seeing a prison break involving Micah and his father's powers. Now that DL knows Micah can manipulate electronics, will he bring him to the prison Niki's at and use these powers to unlock doors? Could make for some fun use of powers..

I read that Matt Parkman, the suspended detective, will become a special bodyguard for someone. Based on Peter's "vision", it looked like he was hanging out with Niki, DL and Micah in that scene. Will he be protecting them or someone else?

Then there's that invisible man. My thoughts on him is he will allow Peter to get closer to truths, and in fact the radioactive man. Another conclusion as to Peter's "explosion" is what Mohinder presented, that if Peter overloads on powers he could be dangerous. Therefore seeing all the heroes together in the city would do it.

Should be another great episode headed our way tonight..



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