Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Heroes & the Bible?

Alot has been mentioned on various forum discussions on the notion that Heroes may have some sort of Biblical implications. The latest episode "Godsend" may have furthered this notion. In the episode, the Haitian even explained the powers the Heroes have to Claire as "gifts from God". Ando mentions to Hiro that the symbol on the sword he sees translates to "Godsend" as well.

In addition to this notion, several of the characters' first names on the show Heroes are biblical. Here's the rundown:

Gabriel (aka Sylar) - In Biblical tradition, he is sometimes regarded as the angel of death or one of God's messengers.

Peter - Was one of the Twelve Apostles whom Jesus chose as his original disciples. Above all the other disciples, Peter was assigned a leadership role by Jesus.

- another of Jesus' disciples, he is traditionally believed to be the author of the Gospel of Matthew. Almost nothing about his life is certain, but he is discussed somewhat in early Christian literature.

- Isaac, many Christians have come to believe, is a representation of us, who were condemned to death by our evil deeds. Isaac was the son of Abraham, who was commanded by God to sacrifice his son. As Abraham prepared to take a knife to his son, an angel intervened and a ram was provided as his sacrifice instead.

- Both have biblical references. We learned Eden's true name was Sarah Ellis. Sarah was wife of Abraham mother of Isaac. She had Isaac in her old age. Eden, of course, is the famed 'Garden of Eden" where evil temptation overtook Eve and Adam.

- Micah is a name used alot in various bible passages, and means like unto who?, possibly in the sense of unique.

We still don't have first names for D.L., Mr. Bennett, The Haitian and Linderman yet, but its quite possible more biblical references exist among these and upcoming characters on this show..

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