Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

"Heroes: Origins" Put on Hold

Some unfortunate news about the spinoff from Heroes known as "Heroes: Origins" which was set to carry us through the break during Season 2 of "Heroes".

From Reuters.com:

"LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Fears of a writers strike might already have contributed to a decision NBC made Wednesday to pull the highly anticipated spinoff miniseries of its hit "Heroes" from a midseason launch.

NBC declined comment, but "Heroes: Origins" is not going to get its six-episode run, which was expected to start as early as late April. While NBC Entertainment co-chair Ben Silverman hasn't officially canceled the spinoff, producers of the series have been given no indication of when it might get a spot on the schedule.

The Writers Guild of America's contract expired just after midnight, with the union and the studios far apart on key issues. WGA leaders have ruled out declaring an immediate walkout, and instead will brief members at a meeting in Los Angeles on Thursday night.

Sources indicated "Origins" might be just the first of many upcoming projects that will get downgraded as a result of the potential strike, which could severely affect the TV industry."

This is definitely disappointing as many true fans of the show were probably anticipating this spinoff to fill their craving while the regular show was on break. Hopefully it gets taken off the shelf at some point, as it was said acclaimed director Kevin Smith would be at the helm of the first episode of the mini-series/spinoff.

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