Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Heroes Blinded by Love

You'll notice so far that most of the heroes have been blinded by love in some way. There's Niki/Jessica, whos main goal is to save her son Micah at all costs. There's Mr Bennet, the Horn Rimmed Glasses man, who will do anything to keep his daughter safe. There's Hiro, who goes back in time to save a love interest at a diner. There's Isaak who was angered over his broken relationship with Simone, and he even painted her meeting Peter. All Heros have some sort of vulnerability or flaw and this is one..it's the same stuff that affects Superman or Spiderman, even the X-Men...

Another note/theory I've been kicking around is that the people who gained powers were feeling a tremendous amount of guilt over something the day they got their powers. For example, Nathan causing his wife's tragic injury in a car accident. Or Niki being unable to prevent her father from murdering her sister..Matt over his problematic marriage..there are several things you can look at. There must be a common thread that enabled these Heroes to gain the powers they did. We should find out as this great show continues.



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