Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

What's Up With Sylar & Save the World?

So now we saw that episode everyone was waiting for, Peter saves the cheerleader (we think) and then that will enable Heroes to save the world..Now the question, what's up with Sylar?

My guess is he is taken captive by HRG and his band of genetic power freaks, but somehow Sylar escapes. No way in hell we've seen the last of this villain, too cool and the showdown he had was lacking. We also will see him most likely in the scene where Hiro has gone back to the past to save the waitress. That makes one wonder who will set off that explosion in NYC? Will it be Ted Sprague, the man full of radioactivity? Or will Sylar find and kill Ted and somehow gain his powers? Or is it someone we haven't even seen.

That is the factor driving this show. ANYTHING can happen at this point. If the directors/writers want to kill someone off, they can do it, and easily bring them back, because its a fictional superhero show. This show should last for a long time..unless something drastic happens.

The other question is, who is Sylar or where did he come into play? It looks like from the previews either he was found by Mohinder's father or working alongside him. Possibly they got in a dispute, and Sylar went crazy, stealing the list of hero names to go hunt them all down. I saw a theory that Mohinder's dad was probably trying to protect his son from interaction with Sylar..Makes sense. Monday night, 9pm, preparing for yet another great episode.



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