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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Season 1: Episode 19 - ".07%"

A recap of Episode 19 of Heroes, airing April 23, 2007

Linderman is discussing his art collection with Nathan Petrelli. He tells Nathan of the future and of his grand plans to be remembered as a "humanitarian". Linderman shows Nathan that he also has a special power. Linderman walks over to a dead
flower and uses his hand to magically bring the dead flower to life. Linderman tells Nathan his plan is to decimate a part of the population and that good will rise up from the ashes to do something great for humanity. Linderman tells Nathan he will win the election and may secure a spot in the White House. Lindermanreveals a photo to Nathan showing him in office. Nathan leaves Linderman's meeting calling him insane.

Sylar and Peter face off in Mohinder Suresh's apartment. As Sylar pins Peter to the wall he begins to use his powers to start cutting into Peter's skull/brain to see how he works. Peter is able to use the power of regeneration and then telekinesis to throw Sylar back against the wall. Peter stands up and turns invisible. Sylar uses his power to bring glass shards up from the floor and toss them in Peter's direction. One share hits the invisible Peter in the back of the head, and he falls to the ground. As Sylar stands over near Peter, Suresh hurls a large piece of furniture into Sylar, causing him to be briefly knocked out. Mohinder is able to leave the apartment with both the list and Peter Petrelli's body. Sylar wakes up at Suresh's apartment and is outraged when he finds that the list has been taken. Sylar finds one pice of info which gives him Isaak Mendez' location.

HRG, Matt Parkman and Ted Sprague are all still being held captive at Primatech. A fake Claire (the female impersonator) comes in to see HRG. HRG realizes its not his real daughter. Just then his former boss comes into the cell and tells HRG they
will get the info from him and right now they are being "nice" with their methods. HRG later begins to send thoughts to Parkman in the other cell. HRG is able to think out a plan of action for Parkman to follow to break out Ted Sprague. Sprague is reluctant to go along but Parkman convinces him. Sprague uses part of his power to disrupt the power in the Primatech cells/building. Sprague and Parkman then rush in to break HRG out, and then 3 leave together. Later at a diner, the 3 discuss
how they must destroy the source of the agency's power, which lies in New York. Parkman mentions the name Linderman as the main boss to HRG, who asks where Parkman got that name. HRG and Parkman both realize that HRG was in the dark about who he was working for.

Suresh receives a visit from HRG's former boss, Thomspon. Suresh discusses the Sylar problem with him and says his goal is to stop him. Thompson explains the best thing for them to do is to work together to stop this problem.

Isaak is seen at his apartment with a delivery/messenger boy. Isaak gives him a copy of the 9th Wonder comic pages and tells him its the last. The boy asks why, but Isaak is unclear. He also gives the boy a sketchbook and tells him it might come in handy. Later, Sylar arrives at Isaaks apartment to murder him. Isaak tells Sylar he has grown sick of seeing the future as it plays out and he has lost all that was good for him. He tells Sylar he is going to die but was still able to show the heroes how to kill Sylar and how to stop the bomb. Sylar pins Isaak to the floor and then cuts into his skull and brain to steal his power.

Niki and DL are talking outside of their home and DL tells her he can't keep having the Jessica/Niki personalities and the involvement with Linderman. He tells her she needs to choose and it will be their son she is choosing for. Just then, some of
Linderman's men show up and ask Niki/Jessica to come with them to talk to Linderman. Jessica meets with Linderman who informs her that he will need the use of her son, Micah's, special ability because his plans have fallen through. Jessica tells
Linderman her son is not part of the deal and he can send as many men as he wants but he won't be getting her son. Later,

Niki/Jessica is seen with Micah at their home. Micah is asking why she picked him up from school so early. Niki tells Micah its a special day and an important man wants to meet him to discuss his talents. Linderman and his men are waiting to talk to Micah. Linderman shakes Micah's hand and then next thing Micah is riding off with Linderman in a car. Niki turns out to be the woman from Primatech, Candice, who can take on any appearance. Just then Niki/Jessica pulls up to the house as Candice is walking past her and tells her "nice car".

Meanwhile, Claire is with her grandmother, Nathan and Peter's mother. She explains that she has protected Claire for a long time now and doesn't want her living the life she has had to deal with. She tells Claire that she will want her to go away to Paris, while her father, Nathan concentrates on winning the election. Claire is unhappy with the situation and her grandmother. Later, Suresh shows up and informs Peter's mother that Peter has been killed. Suresh leaves the body with her apologizing for things as she tells Suresh to just leave. Claire later sees Peter lying dead, as Nathan also shows up to find his dead brother. Nathan begins to mourn over the loss. Claire manages to pull the glass shard out of the back of Peter's head and Peter's eyes open as he comes back to life. Peter tells Claire she saved his life and Claire says they are even now. Later, Peter and Nathan discuss
the recent events and how everything is happening as it was predicted. Peter encourages Nathan to talk to his daughter and be part of her life because she wants to know her father. Nathan has a private chat with Claire to tell her he wants to be there for her, but can't right now due to politics and the election. He says he wants to do good things despite many peoples' bad opinion
of him. Nathan encourages Claire to go to Paris for just 1 week with her grandmother.

Sylar is seen in Isaak's apartment painting various pictures including a darker one of Nathan in office. Sylar grins as he continues painting and the painting of the blown up world is shown. Time advances 5 years into the future, and Hiro and Ando are up on the pigeon coop rooftop of Isaak's apartment looking out at a decimated New York City. Hiro is saying he must have failed due to this happening and so many people must have died. Ando tells Hiro he has his sword now, so that means he has his power. Hiro and Ando discuss how they can teleport back and fix their mistakes to save things. Hiro exclaims to Ando that in the past the "brain man" was caught, so maybe Isaac is still alive. Ando and Hiro leave the rooftop and go to Isaak's apartment. The two find an eery setting, with a torn up apartment and a timeline of newspaper clippings showing the events which happened. Included are the winning of the election by Nathan Petrelli and the tragic explosion that decimated New York. Just then Hiro hears a sound like a sword being drawn. He draws his sword from his back and then faces what appears to be a futuristic version of himself. The futuristic version speaks and says "You", as Hiro stands confused staring at a futuristic version of himself.

See more: Season 1 Genesis Episode Recaps

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