Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Seaon 1: Episode 18 - "Parasite"

Recap of the 2.5.07 Episode of Heroes, Chapter 18, entitled "Parasite", by characters..

Claire is on the run traveling with the Haitian. She asks about where they are heading to but Haitian is not clear on it yet. He informs Claire she probably won't see her surrogate father, HRG, again. Haitian makes a stop at a truck stop along the way and speaks French to someone on a payphone. Haitian then informs Claire they must leave the country. At the airport, Claire manages to swipe the Haitian's ticket and passport. Claire enters through security first and throws Haitian's passport and ticket in the garbage, leaving Haitian stuck to deal with security. Claire ends up at a door in a hallway and knocks. As the door opens, Claire says she must have the wrong address, she is looking for Peter Petrelli. The woman who answers tells her its the right place. We see that the woman is Peter and Nathan's mother. Haitian is also present and speaks French to the woman. She tells Claire she's stubborn, just like her father.

Nathan is at his office and gets a visit from several FBI agents. They tell Nathan they want him to head to visit with Linderman and to wear a wire so they can finally nab him. Nathan eventually agrees to do so. Once the agents have left, Peter appears, as he has been invisible inside the office. Peter informs Nathan that he was responsible for Isaak shooting Simone. Peter tells Nathan he doesn't know what he's going to do. Nathan tells Peter he will make an anonymous call to the authorities to go check out Isaak's apartment. Just then an FBI agent re-enters the office and Peter disappears before Nathan can stop him.

HRG is with his boss who has been questioning him about the whereabouts of Claire. We also see Matt Parkman restrained in a chair. Parkman tells HRG's boss that HRG is telling the truth about not knowing about Claire. Parkman asks to be released since they had a deal, but the boss tells Parkman in time. HRG gets home and tells his wife that he has to take a trip out of town. His wife turns on some opera music and begins telling HRG that he asked her to talk to him about Claire. Since HRG's memory was wiped, he has trouble remembering the conversation. His wife gives him a note saying "Claire is with friends". As HRG is preparing to leave, his new partner arrives. HRG meets his new partner, a woman with special abilities from Primatech. She tells HRG the company has an assignment for them to handle. The woman is assigned to work with him and they head to New York. The woman appears in Isaak's apartment and takes the form of Simone. HRG says as far as everyone knows Simone has been on an extended trip out in Europe. HRG tells Isaak to keep painting. Later on, Isaak does several paintings, which reveal him with the top of his head chopped off. Also later on, HRG returns home to his wife and they begin talking about Claire again. HRG reveals more than he should about things and it ends up that his wife is not his wife, but his new partner, the woman who can take the appearance of others. HRG's boss also appears in the room staring at HRG.

Niki is confronted by DL at their home when DL brings a photo of Nathan Petrelli to her. DL asks Niki what is going on, but Niki downplays it and lies to him, saying its nothing. DL warns Niki not to do anything stupid. Niki travels to Vegas, where she has been assigned to kill Nathan. In Vegas, Hiro is at Linderman's hotel/establishment and is trying to steal the real sword he needs. Hiro is tossed out of the hotel by security who have flagged him as a card cheat from his previous visit with Ando. Hiro eventually bumps into Nathan Petrelli who has come to the hotel to wear a wire and catch Linderman for the FBI. Hiro asks Nathan for help in getting up to see Linderman. Nathan talks to security and gets Hiro up to the curator. Hiro presents the fake sword case from the museum in NY to the curator/desk worker. When the desk worker leaves for a moment, Hiro quickly pushes a ladder on wheels over to the cabinet and climbs up to retrieve the real sword. As Hiro gets to the top, the man returns with a control in his hand and alerts security, telling Hiro he won't be able to escape with so many security guards working there. Just then Ando appears dressed as a security guard and knocks out the man. Hiro is amazed to see his friend return in triumphant fashion. The two place a large cabinet in front of the door to the room, but it won't hold for long. Hiro decides to teleport them away, and ends up teleporting them into the future. They are up on top of the Deveaux rooftop/pigeon coop area, overlooking the remains of a blownup and destroyed New York City. Hiro remarks that they didn't achieve their mission.

Meanwhile Niki has infiltrated the same hotel where Nathan and Linderman are. Niki enters the room of the FBI agents who are listening to Nathan's wire. Niki's alter ego, Jessica, ends up shooting and killing the 2 FBI agents. Niki bumps into Nathan. Niki tells Nathan that he needs to knock her out before Jessica returns, so that Nathan can take the gun to kill Linderman. Hesitant at first, Nathan finally punches Niki in the face knocking her out. Nathan retrieves her gun and goes to meet with Linderman in the kitchen of his hotel's restaraunt. Linderman is there cooking, and lectures Nathan on how so many people want to be perfect but can never attain it or happiness. Nathan pulls out the gun and is about to kill Linderman, until Linderman informs Nathan he has such a bright future ahead of him, and will even end up in the white house in many years. Linderman tells Nathan shooting him will be a very bad decision for him and that Linderman knows about the fact Nathan can fly and about Nathan's daughter as well as Peter's "issues". Nathan puts the gun down.

Finally, Suresh is with Sylar at his apartment. Sylar has been posing as another hero, who he murdered just days ago. Suresh hands Sylar a special cup of Chi tea, and tells Sylar its something his father used to make. Just then Sylar grows woozy, and collapses, as Suresh has laced the tea with a sedative. Sylar awakes strapped into the chair with an IV drip. Suresh reveals that he knows that he is Sylar, and shows him a computer screen talking about the murder of the hero Sylar killed a few days ago. Suresh bangs a tuning fork next to Sylar's ear to irritate his "super hearing" power he stole from the female hero he murdered. Suresh tells Sylar he is going to finish his father's work and extracts a spinal tap sample from him, as Sylar screams in pain. Suresh eventually determines from the sample that he can maybe help cure the heroes. Sylar begins talking to Suresh about how he murdered his father and angers Suresh, who pulls a gun on him. Suresh goes to take revenge and kill off Sylar, but Sylar reveals that his powers still work, as he stops the bullet in flight and it drops to the ground. Sylar then undoes his restraints and gets up going after Suresh. Later, Peter Petrelli enters the apartment looking for Suresh. He calls out for him several times and then stops in one part of the room as blood drips down on him. He looks up to see Suresh pinned to the ceiling bleeding. Suresh mouths "Sy-lar" to Peter. Just then Sylar enters and shoves Peter up against the wall holding him by his neck. Sylar tells Peter he knows he is like him and wants to see how it works. Sylar begans to cut open Peter's head, and we see a lock of Peter's hair fall to the floor.

To be continued..

See more: Season 1 Genesis Episode Recaps

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