Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Sylar's Big Payback?

Heroes seems to be on a roller-coaster type good and evil ride this season. We have a menacing villain, cryptic clues, new characters and questionable loyalties. And once again, Peter lacks the full use of all his wonderful abilities. Sylar seems to have re-aligned himself with the dark side, and Hiro is the key to saving everyone. With the way things are progressing, we have elements of Spiderman, The Fly, Back to the Future, X-Men and Star Wars mixed together. And we just might see this season's ending mirror one of those flicks.

It's starting to seem as if we might be headed towards a predictable end for this season. My speculation is we'll be treated to a scene straight out of Return of the Jedi, the final Star Wars installment. In that movie, the evil Emperor is trying to get his apprentice, Darth Vader, to bring his son Luke over to the dark side. Luke refuses to do so, as he's the good guy and last Jedi knight. So since Vader isn't getting his son to budge, Evil Emperor begins to electrocute the life out of Luke. His loving father Darth Vader realizes he'd rather save his son than watch him die, so he ends up tossing the evil Emperor down into a cosmic abyss.

Well it turns out that Sylar, although pretending to be bad, doesn't really seem to be on Arthur Petrelli's side. He did in fact save Peter from falling all those stories and dying. So we just might be headed towards a big finish with Arthur instructing Sylar to kill off Peter since he won't join their cause. Sylar will end up picking up Arthur over head and tossing him down into the sewer, rather than destroying his own brother. So it just might be a bit of been there, done that, and that could spell trouble for writers who need to give us new ideas in this exciting series.

So we have Arthur the Ultra-Villain, Sylar playing his shifty apprentice, and Peter rendered powerless...Once again questions linger...Will Peter be able to regain his abilities? Will he simply start re-learning his powers? Is Hiro going to time travel and restore Peter's powers somehow? Is Hiro the only one who can stop Arthur, or can Sylar? Can the Haitian block Arthur Petrelli's abilities? How many heroes will lose their powers this season and become average joes? Will Suresh be able to cure himself and stop the Company? Are Elle and Clai possibly related somhow? Will we ever see Monica or Maya in the show again? Stay tuned faithful Heroes fans!

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Blogger RenegadeFilmSnob said...

I have to say I have a bit of a crazy theory. Peter's power is essentially taking any power that is used on him or near him. Maybe when Arthur stole his powers Peter gained the ability to steal powers, he just hasn't figured out how to use them yet.

Alternatively if a persons ability is something coded into their DNA then it would be something incredibly hard to change. It is possible that Arthur's power is to change DNA, but I think it's more likely that it causes some sort of brain damage which prevents people from using their power. Perhaps with an injection of Claire's blood Peter could have his original power (of power stealing) back.

Those are my crazy theory anyway. I think you may be right about the whole star wars type ending, lets hope the show still has a few surprises.

11/12/2008 9:15 PM

Blogger MC said...

Renegade, That's a good theory about Peter, maybe he and Sylar are alike in that capacity, since they're related. It'll be interesting to see what the aftermath of the eclipse is in terms of everyone's abilities.

11/25/2008 1:08 PM


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