Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Season 3 Criticism Continues

Is Heroes in jeopardy of being vaporized much like Matt Parkman's dad, or the villain we saw commit suicide by jumping into his own vortex? We're deep into Season 3 of Heroes, the Villains installment with more and more fans jumping ship or at least harshly criticizing the "revival season". Last season was considered a disaster by many, and creator Tim Kring promised he had addressed all the flaws of that season for Season 3. Unfortunately, two of the show's co-exectuive producers were fired, Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander. They also served as senior writers, overseeing much of the script development. Luckily, writers are into episode 20 of the 25 episode season, so time will tell how much of an effect the firings have.

Read more about Heroes losing ratings and writers at NY Times.

I've found Season 3 compelling at times, but again they tend to cram a lot into a little frame of time. They've also made up some quick relationships by jumping back in time. For example, we have now seen that Elle and Sylar shared a brief romantic glimmer of hope. It ultimately may have been what snapped Gabriel Gray into his murderous mind state of Sylar. We also learned that Flint is Meredith's brother, and that The Company tricked him. Meredith also believed she lost her daughter Claire (invinvible cheerleader) to a blazing fire, but we all know later this is not so. We still need to learn the particulars of Claire being given to HRG, and also how Mrs. Petrelli hooked up with Hiro's father.

Right now, the biggest issue may be that Arthur Petrelli just simply zaps people of their powers or annihilates them. Yes, it makes for a great type of villain as seen in comic books, but makes the show ackward, because of the storyline. Hiro spent a large amount of time dreaming of the past so he could warn others, only for Arthur to come forth and perhaps wipe out his memory? If that's so, why did Arthur not just execute Hiro like he did to the precog? It was revealed earlier in the season that Hiro is the key to stopping all this madness, but now he looks like a mindless accomplice. However, one would have to believe the true key to stopping Arthur is now The Haitian. We saw him in the last episode coming into play as he stood in the dining room behind Arthur, blocking his power of suggestion towards wife Angela. So why wouldn't Haitian be necessary to stopping the ultimate evil-doer? He's been able to block Sylar, Hiro, Peter, Matt Parkman, basically everyone with a power.

The only other answer right now is Sylar, but we are unsure if he's truly good or bad to the core. He may have gotten close to his "dear ol' dad" but will he have what it takes to turn the tides and stop the destructive force?

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