Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ranking the Powers, So Far

We are about a month away from the conclusion of our first season of Heroes. That said, it's a good idea to rank the major powers of the show, excluding Sylar and Peter who can "do it all" basically..Keep in mind this is one opinion of the best of the powers, and that Im not going as far as to name them by their Marvel comic book power names:

1)Claire - Indestructible power
- It just gives you that extra edge and confidence you need to know you can do basically whatever it is you want, without really worrying about death or getting hurt. Some people might argue this power's more for doing good than benefiting one's self, but overall so many feel like they are invincible, but aren't.

2)Matt - Mind reading
- To hear anyone and everyone's thoughts can be a good and bad thing. Once you get it under control, it's good, but as long as you are stuck hearing a ton of voices in your head, as we saw, it can be very frustrating. The good part is you would exceed at any job, knowing what others think of you, and exceed in dating and life in general.

3)Hiro - Time travel/teleportation
- Alot of people rank this up top of the list because its a very unique power not seen often in the comic book world. Hiro's got the ability to know who wins sports games, make bets, see history or the future and probably save the world. We already saw he can't change the future though, so we know his power is a bit out of control. But who honestly wouldn't want to go back in time and see what it might have been like?

4)Niki - Superhuman strength - Niki literally tears up her competition in fits of rage (actually Jessica does). The problem with her power is it's just a ton of violence, although extremely badass. She has already torn apart a group of thugs sent after her, buried victims at the beach and tossed her husband DL around several times. It's almost as cliche a power as flying, but somewhat more intimidating to have.

5)DL - Morphing
- It's cool in that you can basically unlock any door by reaching through it. Or hide in a wall or walk through a closed door. Or not get stabbed or shot, because things go right through you. Quite possibly he could be robbing banks if he wanted to.

6)Nathan - Flight.
The power to fly is so often used in conjunction with other superhero powers that it's become quite boring. I mean it would be cool for a while but then it comes down to "I can fly, but what does that get me other than saving money on real flights?" than I think we'd opt for many other powers on this list.

7)Micah - Electronics manipulation
- He has only made a pay phone that was out of order work so far. It was a big surprise on the show because nobody quite knew what the kid's power would be. This would save on long distance calls and electronics and maybe even auto repairs, but I'd take most of the other powers ahead of this one.

8)Isaak - Painting future occurrences
- I don't mean to hate on the guy since he's been through a rough time, but this power is only serving as the guide for the heroes overall mission. He won't be able to draw what he wants to happen, and he isn't about to go into battle with villains with a canvas and a bunch of paint.



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