Season 1: Episode 22 - "Landslide"
Peter is with Claire in New York and they had been searching for Ted Sprague, to
prevent the bomb. Claire spots her surrogate father, HRG, and runs to him, as
Peter follows. Ted and Matt are with HRG, and because Peter is in proximity to
Ted, he starts to emit radioactive energy from his hands. Peter yells for Claire to
use the gun hegave her to shoot him, but just then Peter is able to stop himself and
control the radioactivity. Claire meets with HRG to discuss his goals for coming to
NYC. HRG says he is there to stop the tracking system so then he and Claire can
have a normal life. HRG suggests that Claire go with Ted and Peter to a town in Nebraska to be safe, where Claire can stop either of them if they go nuclear. Ted
after some resistance says he's in. From a distance, Sylar is around a corner and has been listening and says "me too". As the 3 embark on their journey they are
discussing their ability and Peter stops everyone on the street. Peter hears the nearby thoughts of Sylar thinking about how he can use Ted's power for evil. Peter tells them Sylar is nearby and they need to get out of the area.
Nathan is dealing with his election and talking to Linderman in his office about the
disappointing results so far. Linderman tells Nathan in time he will lead the country, after today's congress election. Linderman tells Nathan his father would be proud of him uniting the country after the explosion that will happen. Linderman informs Nathan that Nathan's father also had powers and tried to save the world, but
learned it wasn't enough and gave up. Linderman tells Nathan that his father was
weak, but Nathan says his father was his hero. As Nathan's wife comes into the
office in her wheelchair, Linderman says he wants to give them both a gift for
Nathan's success. Linderman hold's Nathan's wife's hand for an extended time
looking at her. Nathan's wife comes over to him to chastise him for associating
with a man like Linderman. As they are arguing, Nathan notices his wife's foot
moving. She is able to stand up and is joyous over the fact that she can once again
use her legs. Nathan calls it a miracle.
Meanwhile, Hiro and Ando contact a local NY shop to repair the sword that was
broken by Sylar. The symbol in the phone book for the shop matches the symbol
seen on the sword, so Ando makes the call. Hiro gets on the phone and tells the
store clerk, the fate of the world is in his hands. As they are walking to the shop, they spot "flying man" or Nathan Petrelli. Hiro and Ando walk over to him where the crowd is. Hiro yells to him, and Nathan goes to talk to them. Hiro informs Nathan he must help them stop the bomb, because otherwise he becomes a bad
person in the future. Nathan says he is sorry but he cant stop it and nobody can.
Hiro yells at him "you already a bad guy, you a villain". Nathan waves to the crowd
and thanks them as he gets in his car. Jessica and DL are nearby and spot
Nathan, and say they need to go find him, to get to Linderman. DL says Nathan
will never see them coming. Hiro and Ando enter the shop to get the ancient sword
repaired. Hiro explains the sword was frozen cold then snapped, and asks the
shopkeeper if it can be fixed. The shopkeeper says it depends, on him, as a back
door opens and reveals Hiro's father, Mr. Nakamura.
Ando begs Hiro not to go back and meet with his father because he might convince
Hiro to go back to Japan. Hir says out of respect he must hear what his father has
to say. Micah is being held captive by Candice in an apartment, and discussing how he doesnt understand why someone cool like Candice works for a bad guy like
Linderman. Candice says that Linderman is going to heal the world. Micah says
he didn't realize it was sick. Linderman meets with Micah and tells him if he does
as he's told with his powers, Linderman will give Micah and his family enough
money to live happy every after. As Peter, Claire and Ted are walking in the city,
the FBI and special agents with police cars pounce on them. Ted yells for Peter
and Claire to run. Peter uses invisibility and escapes with Claire through the crowd. Ted pleads with Matt Parkman's former partner, Agent Hanson, that he
isn't a terrorist. She tells Ted he will be going to Guantanomo Bay, and he asks for a special cell so that his blast will not hurt people. Meanwhile, Hiro's father
explains that he like Hiro has special powers, and will now teach Hiro how to use
the sword and powers. Hiro's father shows Hiro several moves and tells him he
knows "a few things".
Candice disguised as a black woman to be Micah's mom, has Micah use his powers on a voting machine to rig the election to be a landslide victory for Nathan.
Micah is able to use his power to reach all of the voting machines networked together and gives Nathan a landslide victory. Meanwhile DL and Jessica find Nathan in his office where he is just seeing he won the electiong with %64 of the votes. DL and Jessica ask Nathan to inform them where Linderman is. Jessica and DL convince Nathan that Linderman is bad and will only continue taking things Nathan loves. Nathan asks them to assure him that Linderman won't come after them if they find him. Nathan gives them the location. DL says because Linderman took their son, he's going to pay for it. Takezo Kenzei stories father told to Hiro, where Kenzei tried to unite Japan, asking the wise dragon to teach him the secrets of the sword. The dragon taught Kenzei to be a sword saint, so Kenzei could save his people. The dragon came to Kenzei's palace and demanded the life of the princess. Kenzei drew his sword and put it into his own heart, saying "my love is in here, take it", and Kenzei then died. Hiro tells his father he must be stronger to face his enemy. Hiro's father demands Hiro to prove he is worthy of being a true hero by showing his sword skills. Hiro becomes angry and begins swinging the sword even more furiously than before. Meanwhile Parkman and HRG are infiltrating the building where the "tracking system" is found. HRG tells Matt to use his ability to hear thoughts to get them up to the proper floor. Matt uses his power to read a security guards thoughts and pretend he knows him. The security guard lets them through. On their way, they bump into Jessica and DL. Matt tells HRG they have to get out of there when he sees Jessica. HRG walks up to Jessica and DL and says they have similar goals, convincing them to work together.
Mohinder has finally cured Molly Walker, who has the ability to think about any person and locate them. Mohinder asks her to prove it, so she thinks about Matt Parkman, and places a pin on a map to indicate he is in the same building. She asks Suresh if she will get to see the man who saved her life again, the cop. Suresh asks Molly if she can think about where "the Boogeyman" aka Sylar is right now. Just as she is about to, agent Thompson, HRG's former boss, enters and says now that Molly is cured, there is a helicopter ready to take her and Suresh to someplace safe. Parkman and HRG ride up in an elevator with Jessica and DL. As they exit for the proper floor to get to the tracking system, HRG tells Jessica that Linderman is on Floor 51. Matt and HRG go to locate Molly, but Thompson comes out with a gun drawn ready to kill. As HRG is walking down the hall, Matt hears Thompson's thoughts and pulls HRG out of the bullet's way. HRG has a gun and runs around the hall, leaving Parkman alone. Just then Thompson comes up on Matt and sticks the gun to Matt's head. Thompson asks Parkman "what am I thinking now?" Just then HRG points a gun to Thompson's head and says "your last thoughts". HRG shoots Thompson twice killing him. Parkman and HRG get to the room where Molly is. HRG and Parkman enter the lab/room and behind the curtain see Molly. Matt asks if this is really the tracking system, and HRG says there is alot he wasn't told when working here. Just then Suresh clocks Parkman over the head with a gun, knocking him out. HRG points his gun at Molly as Suresh tells him to lower his weapon. HRG and Suresh remain with guns drawn, as HRG explains that as long as Molly is alive, nobody is safe.
Hiro finishes his training with his father and says he is ready to face Sylar and save Ando's life. As Hiro goes back into the shop, the shopclerk tells Hiro that his friend bought a sword and said he was going to go stop Sylar himself. Hiro's father comes out and says that if Ando went after Sylar alone, he's going to die. Jessica and DL enter Linderman's office just as he is getting off the phone. Jessica tosses Linderman across the room into a wall and asks where Micah is. DL pushes Linderman up against the wall threatening him. Linderman tells Jessica they wouldn't have Micah if Linderman hadn't created their relationship and history. Linderman tells Jessica the floor Micah is on and she begins to leave. Linderman tells her she'll never see DL again. She asks why and Linderman says because Jessica is going to kill DL for him. Linderman has Jessica open a bag full of money and says she will kill DL for money. DL pleads with her to think about why she is there. Eventually, Niki overcomes the Jessica personality and says she won't kill DL. Niki says shes loves DL. Linderman tells her she doesn't love DL. As the two are hugging, Linderman draws a gun and shoots DL in the chest. Niki cries as she sees DL fall. Linderman begins to speak to Jessica/Niki, but just then DL comes up from behind Linderman. DL shoves his fist into the back of Lindermans head, passing into Linderman's brain, and killing him. Jessica/Niki then holds a dying DL on the floor, where Linderman lays dead.
Nathan delivers his victory speech to everyone, as various heroes are shown around NYC. Nathan says the world will now become a better place with him in congress. Hiro is shown leaving his father's presence to go find Ando. Ando is shown with a map and a sword, walking through the city to find Sylar. Niki is seen with DL in her arms on the floor and Linderman laying dead near a gun. HRG and Suresh are seen, with Suresh pointing his gun at HRG and HRG pointing his gun at Molly Walker. Nathan's speech concludes, and Sylar is seen up high on a building roof, using his hands to emit radioactivity. Sylar tries each hand once, then both together, and then with a sick smile, Sylar says "Boom!".
See more: Season 1 Genesis Episode Recaps
Labels: Episode Recaps, HRG, Linderman, Mohinder Suresh, Molly Walker, Nathan Petrelli, Season 1, Sylar
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