Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Thoughts, Speculations & Questions

Note: These are merely my speculations, thoughts and questions, please don't take these as spoilers or as what will happen, just thoughts on what may go down with the show.

Now that we are three episodes into the second season, a few things are becoming apparent and curious:

1) There's going to be at least 3 love stories to deal with this season; Peter and the girl from Ireland, Claire and West, and Hiro and the Princess. It seems a bit more lovey-dovey than last season for sure and hopefully it doesn't water down the show completely. There's also the brother-sister love of Alejandro and Maya which so far has been a little less interesting than the other situations. Looking at Maya's power makes you think she will have a showdown with Niki or Sylar.

2) Speaking of Sylar, he should be re-introduced tonight if not soon. Best guess is he was dragged down to the sewers by Candice who is now wooing him with her powers. The big questions: do they team up? does Sylar steal her power? It's going to be interesting to say the least.

3) I had originally speculated the new manacing hero-killer was Nathan possibly or even the Haitian, but now neither of those seem to make much sense. Haitian was in Haiti and Nathan was at the police department when mother Petrelli got attacked. So that still leaves it open, this dark sinister force, is it someone we have seen or someone new completely? A friend of mine suggested it's probably someone working for Linderman, perhaps Niki. However the Boogeyman's voice heard in Molly Walker's dream seemed male.

4) I was expecting the whole Hiro & Kensei part of the show to be the typical "travel back in time" concept we see in movies, however it's been very entertaining so far. I'd give that along with Peter in Ireland the two best stories of the new season. Seeing Peter unleash random powers at certain moments has been fun thus far.

5) Dr. Mohinder Suresh working for "the company" should prove interesting too. Perhaps Suresh gets found out by his employers and needs to be rescued by various heroes from some sort of safe-holding cell in a secure compound. This would make for a great episode.

Overall, the second season is offering a good deal of intrigue so far. You have to wonder when Sylar does resurface who the first victim will be? Also will the whole "5 Years Later" episode start becoming more and more true? Suresh is working for "The Company" albeit as a spy to take them down, but perhaps he changes his tune. Sylar had Candace's power in the future, as well as Nathan's power and appearance indicating he gets to both of them. Strong possibilities for this season? You decide.

In addition, you may enjoy this post over at Blogging Experiment called "Heroes' Lesson on Blogging", as it discusses the world of blogging related to Heroes characters.

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