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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Season 2: Episode 8: "Four Months Ago"

Heroes Season 2 Episode 8 Adam Monroe

Season 2: Episode 8: "Four Months Ago"

This episode recap takes us back four months to what happened right after Peter went nuclear and was flown out of proximity of the city by his brother Nathan. Peter recalls memories thanks to the help of Adam (Takezo Kensei) who meets him in Montreal, present day.

Peter, Adam, Elle

Peter is in Montreal and upset that Caitlyn is no longer around. He concentrates and time travels to present day where he hears a noise. Peter shoots a lightning bolt towards the door, and a hand absorbs the shot then regenerates. In walks Takezo Kensei, who introduces himself as Adam. He realizes that The Haitian has taken away Peter's memory of powers. Kensei tells Peter to think of what matters the most to him. He looks at the picture of him and his brother and all of a sudden remembers the vivid scene where Nathan flew him away before Peter could explode in the city. Peter tells Nathan to drop him and as Peter flew away and burst into an explosion, Nathan began to fall unconscious to the ground. Peter flies back and saves his brother who was falling. Peter rushes Nathan into a hospital to get treatment. A cop eyes Peter and Peter uses invisibility to elude him. As Peter is walking through the hallways of the hospital, all of a sudden Elle steps out and blasts Peter from behind with a lightning shot. Bob and Elle step out from the room.

Bob and Elle later have Peter in an office, where Elle is treating Peter as if he's her "boytoy". Bob introduces himself as an old friend of Peter's parents and says they have people taking care of Nathan. Bob says that Peter is safe with them but not sure that Nathan is safe from harm. Bob tells Peter that his associate has taken Peter's memory of powers away, and the Haitian steps into the room. Bob tells Peter he won't have to worry about hurting anyone ever again because they are working to bring a medical cure together for his problems. Elle continues to flirt with Peter as he is kept captive in a cell at the Company. Peter is given daily pills to prevent his powers from returning. On an early instance, Elle leaves him but runs her hand on his head and "shocks him", then tells Peter he will get used to it. As Elle leaves, Peter hears someone from a nearby room say "hello" and Takezo Kensei (Adam) is shown in the nearby cell.

Kensei talks to Peter from the nearby cell about discovering abilities and having gone through something terrible. Peter finally introduces himself and Kensei introduces himself as Adam. Later on, Peter asks Elle what her story is beyond the "sadistic lightning". Elle talks of her troubled past due to her powers. She tells Peter she accidentally set her grandmother's home on fire when she was young and was taken in for analysis and study, drugged up. Elle said she was diagnosed as a sociopath based on her powers and has spent most of her life in this place. Elle said she is now 24 years old and has never been on a date. Adam convinces Peter that there is "no cure" really and Bob is not going to help him. Adam tells Peter he's in a prison, not a place to help him.

Peter begs Bob to let him see his family so they know he's alive, but Bob refuses for the time being. Adam continues to manipulate Peter, talking to him through the wall. Adam says a bit of his blood would cure Nathan. Peter decides to help Adam escape, and works on Elle next time she enters his cell, by kissing her and pretending he's interested in her. Peter pretends to take the pills, but when Elle leaves he drops them in the toilet. Adam tells Peter since it's day #5 without meds, it's time to try his powers out. Peter concentrates and phases through the wall into Adam's cell so they are finally face to face. Adam says its time to heal Nathan, and the two phase through the prison wall to start their escape.

Nathan & Angela Petrelli, Peter, Adam

Nathan is visited by his mother at the hospital. Nathan is badly burned and visibly so. He keeps asking where Peter is, and Angela tells him he is missing. Nathan's wife visits him in the hospital and comes out to talk to Angela. Angela convinces his wife that there's a dark secret in the family with delusions which started with the father and has passed down to Peter and Nathan. Angela asks Peter's wife to keep this a secret and assures that she will.

Adam and Peter show up at the hospital room of Nathan. Adam takes a sample of his blood and injects it into Nathan's IV bag. ALmost instantly, Nathan's burned up body begins to heal up. Peter and Adam take off on the run and wind up on the docks in Ireland. Bob, Elle and the Haitian show up and chase them. Elle casts a bolt at Peter and his jacket is engulfed on fire, so Peter takes off running minus the jacket. Eventually, the Haitain catches him and is able to subdue Peter inside a large metal container. Haitian cuffs one of Peter's hands up. Peter says if he brings him back, he will just keep escaping. Haitian says he isn't bringing him back, because Peter's mother did a favor for him once and saved him. Haitian says Peter's secret is safe with him. He places a necklace around Peter's neck with the Heroes helix on it, and then wipes out Peter's memory before locking Peter in the container.

Niki, Micah & DL

Niki and Micah are at the hospital being told that the bullet just barely missed DL's heart and surgery was successful to save him. Niki and Miah go in to embrace DL. A doctor pulls Niki aside out in the hall and tells her that her insurance has all been payed for. Bob from "The Company" comes out and introduces himself saying he payed the bills. Bob talks about Linderman and Jessica, and Niki asks how he knew that. Bob says he wants to help her with her "sickness" but she needs to leave her family to enter "the program". Micah's birthday is shown and Micah talks about fixing their problems so they can be "heroes". Instead DL tells him he's got a job and is going to make him proud. Niki struggles with being on new medication, and DL tells her things will get better. After DL and Micah leave, Niki pours her pills down the sink.

Niki is practicing at home to work as a car salesperson. DL embraces her before leaving. Just then a new image appears talking to Niki in the mirror, saying she's not Jessica but another personality. The new "evil personality" from Niki's past traps Niki as an image in the mirror and leaves her there with Niki banging on the mirror to get out.

A house engulfed in flames is shown with firefighters trying to put it out. DL Hawkins emerges from the flames dressed in firefighting gear, phasing through them carrying a small child. DL is later considered a hero and shown on the news. Micah hugs DL and is proud of him. DL asks where Niki is and Micah says not home from work yet. DL then discovers a note written in lipstick on the bedroom mirror "Gone to LA, See ya".

Niki as her new personality is shown dancing flirtatiously with a guy at a club in LA. DL enters the club ands goes over to Niki. DL shows her a picture of them together and tells the other guy Niki is his wife. The man dancing with Niki tries to punch DL and his hand goes through DL's head. DL punches the man in the gut, and tries to take Niki out of the club. As they are leaving, the man comes out after them and yells at DL. DL turns and the man sticks a gun into DL, then shoots him. Blood sprays over Niki's face as the man leaves. Next, a grieving Micah is dressed in a black suit looking at a medal of honor. Micah's cousin and Nana are shown at the grieving scene. Niki tells the Nana she may need help. Next thing seen is people leaving the home and Bob shows up.

Maya & Alejandro

A wedding between Alejandro and a girl is shown, with Maya disapprovingly looking on. Maya is in tears as she leaves the wedding party area. She goes to a back area and finds the bride is kissing another man. Maya screams at the woman calling her names. The man tells Maya she's going to keep her mouth shut. Maya becomes upset and the black tears ooze from her eyes, causing the man and the bride to both fall to the floor dead. Maya screams for Alejandro and leaves the room to see that everyone outside has died too. Maya finds Alejandro still alive and tells him what happened. A victim is shown with black oozing tears.

Maya is praying in church when Alejandro finds her. He asks how she killed everyone and Maya says she has something wrong with her like a poison inside. Maya tells Alejandro he didn't die so it must have something to do with both of them. Just then a police officer enters to take Maya way. As he cuffs her, Maya becomes upset. Her eyes ooze black tears, and she kills the officer. Alejandro grabs her by the hands and tells her to calm down, and she begins to heal the plague from her eyes. Alejandro and Maya take off on the run as they realize the damage they are causing.

The show ends with a montage of "present day" scenes. Sylar is traveling with Maya and Alejandro on their way to New York. Niki/Jessica is shown meeting with Bob of "The Company". Nathan is entering a bar with no visible burns. Peter is in Montreal and with Adam. Peter tells him "I remember everything" and Adam remarks "Good, ready to save the world?". Peter smirks as the show ends.

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