Season 3: Episode 25: "An Invisible Thread"
Heroes Season 3 - Episode 25: "An Invisible Thread"
Heroes opens with Suresh narrating about how each of the many people on the planet are unique and different. Scenes are shown again of Nathan being shot with tranquilizers by Danko before Sylar can cut into his skull. Hiro gets a nosebleed while trying to teleport he and Ando. Claire, HRG and Angela are traveling in a SUV down the road, when Angela awakes from a bad dream. She tells them Nathan's in trouble. HRG realizes they went through a fake roadblock a few miles back and stops the car. He tells Angela and Claire to head off 2 miles in the opposite direction, and gives Claire a phone saying he'll find them. Angela and Claire head off, and HRG drives down the road where he's stopped at a police barricade. A van pulls up behind his vehicle and armed soldiers get out to surround the car.Danko is shown talking with Sylar who just got out of the bathrrom. Danko tells him he needs to become Agent Taub like he was told. Sylar says he's done listening to Danko. Danko shoves a metal knife in the back of Sylar's head and he collapses to the floor. Danko radios to get a cleanup crew but then cancels the orders as he sees Sylar moving again on the floor. Sylar gets up, pulls the knife out of his head and says "that hurt" as he looks at Danko. Danko draws his gun fast, but Sylar uses telekinesis to fling it across the room, then flings Danko up against a glass case, suspending him there. Sylar reveals that due to his new shapeshifting power he moved the "off switch" in the back of his head. Danko tells him to get it over with because his men are on their way. Sylar moves Nathan's body into the bathroom and says he'll kill him later after he absorbs all of his memories. Sylar says he has a date with destiny tomorrow, as Nathan, so he can shake the president's hand. Danko tells him he better kill him now because there's no way he'll allow that to happen. Sylar tells him there's no need to kill him, because he has another plan. He transforms into Danko as they hear men arriving to the office. Danko (Sylar) draws his gun goes out and fires a shot, shooting down one of their own agents. He goes back into the office and transforms into Agent Taub, lets Danko down, and draws his gun on him yelling for the other man that he got him.
Angela and Claire arrive at the Capitol Building despite being hunted by agents. Angela leaves Claire behind saying she needs to find Matt Parkman because in her dream he saves Nathan's life. Claire heads off to find Nathan.
Sylar gets dressed in a suit so he can become Nathan. He tells Nathan to wake up so he can get his memories. Nathan stays passed out so Sylar says to hell with it since he can get memories from Nathan's personal belongings. A secretary knocks and enters telling Nathan that his daughter is there to see him. Sylar changes to Nathan and says "send her in". Claire enters the office asking if Nathan found Sylar, but he says he got away. Claire gets suspicious asking how she knows she's not talking to Sylar right now. Sylar as Nathan touches her necklace and gets the memories of Mexico, to tell Claire she knows him better than anyone else. Claire smiles and apologizes as she's been reeled in. Nathan says he's heading to the Stanton Hotel. Claire asks to go along in case anything goes wrong, and to help stop Sylar. Sylar opens the bathroom door to grab a suit coat jacket, and Claire notices the body lying on the floor. Sylar closes the door and tells her its a good idea to come along, because if anything goes wrong he needs her by his side.
Danko is escorted by armed guards out of a van to Building 26. Ando and Hiro witness it. Hiro tells Ando he's feeling better now and just had a headache. Ando suggests Hiro is getting sick from using his powers. Ando says they'll use his power instead. Hiro says they need to stop time at least once more. Ando says maybe Hiro's head will explode if they're not careful. Hiro gets worried but says its a chance he will have to risk. Danko is led down the hallways in Building 26, as other agents see him and are shocked by it. Danko is shoved into a holding cell, and his cellmate happens to be HRG.
Nathan wakes up back at the office, and slowly gets up. Peter enters the office to find Nathan stumbling around. Nathan says they have to stop Sylar.
HRG talks with Danko about getting involved with Sylar. Danko tells HRG that Sylar moved the kill spot on the back of his head. Danko asked HRG how he dealt with all this, the inability to contain and capture all of these people. HRG says it's all about living in the gray area, which he learned in middle management and having an adopted daughter. HRG says Claire has helped him through it. HRG and Danko decide to work together, but before they can shake hands, time freezes. Ando and Hiro open the door and smile, then go to Building 26's main office to see agents stopped. Ando pulls he and Hiro's pictures off the bulletin board, then notices Hiro's ear is bleeding, but Hiro says he's just fine.
Hiro and Ando find the room where various heroes are restrained with nose apparatuses in them to prevent their powers from being used. They discover Mohinder Suresh and remove his nose piece, then replace him with an agent. Hiro unfreezes time, and HRG and Danko shake. They notice the open door and HRG realizes it was Hiro. Meanwhile, Ando tells Suresh about Hiro's recent problems. Suresh warns Hiro not to freeze time again because it's causing him these problems.
Nathan and Claire arrive to speak with the president. A colleague named Liam Samuels comes up and shakes hands with Nathan. Nathan signs with his left hand on a security check in, and Claire questions it.
HRG and Danko beging planning their attack to capture Sylar. Danko reveals some extra powerful tranquilizers that will put an elephant down. As HRG has his back to Danko, Danko prepares to inject one of the needles into HRG's neck. Just then time freezes, and Hiro injects a needle into Danko. HRG turns to see it, and also Hiro's nosebleed. HRG says to call 911, because he has to head off to the Stanton to stop Sylar.
HRG phones Claire who's in a hotel suite with the fake Nathan (Sylar). Nathan looks over at her and she finally answers the call. HRG asks Claire if she's ok and if she found Nathan. Claire says yes, and HRG asks how she knows it's him. Just then two Claires are shown on screen with Sylar as one, using his puppetry power to quiet Claire from speaking. Sylar turns into himself and tells HRG "because it's me". HRG is shocked as he stops in his tracks realizing it's Sylar.
Sylar is using his powers to make Claire serve him wine. Claire says Nathan is on the way to save her and then she'll kill him. Sylar says he's going to kill Nathan, then her mom and brother. Sylar begins discussing how he met his real dad. Sylar starts talking about how much they have in common, saying they were both adopted and can't die. Claire says he'll die, but Sylar says it'll take her hundreds of years. He begins to come on to Claire, saying she could be his first lady. Just then, Nathan and Peter arrive at the building and are stopped by security. The guard tells them Mr. Samuels said Nathan's already there. Nathan tells Samuels that Sylar's one of them, and shows Samuels he can levitate. The guards draw their guns on him, but Samuels tells them to stop. Nathan and Peter tell Samuels they're the only ones who can stop Sylar. Nathan suggests Peter needs to get close enough to Sylar to touch him and get his powers. Nathan and Peter head towards the hotel suite.
Peter and Nathan form their plan to take Sylar at different angles. They arrive at the hotel suite's doors but before they can open them, they open and Claire is thrown out of the room. She gets up and yells at Peter and Nathan to go. They head into the room where Sylar has his electricity power charged up. Nathan and Peter flie towards him with Sylar shooting lightning. The door shuts and Claire can only look through the crack in the door. She finally hears the fighting stop and opens the doors, but nobody's in there. Suddenly Peter gets up and is bleeding. Claire asks where Nathan and Sylar went. Peter tells her the window and that he can't fly after them. Claire helps Peter out of the room. After they've left, Nathan is flung back into the room through the window. Sylar returns and slits his throat. Nathan gasps for life and falls back into a chair as Sylar chuckles at him. Sylar exclaims Claire's going to be so mad at him, then leaves after transforming himself into Nathan again. The real Nathan appears to die in the chair.
Matt Parkman arrives to Washington, DC, where Angela Petrelli finds him getting off a bus. Angela tells Matt about her dream and how Matt needs to save Nathan. Matt says he can't because he needs to go stop the agents. Angela says they won't be able to do that without Nathan, so Matt finally agrees to go with her.
Peter and Claire are rushing to leave the hotel, but as they get to the elevator area, HRG rushes out and aims a gun at Claire. He asks Peter to tell him that's not Sylar. Peter tells HRG he just fought Sylar. Peter also says he gained Sylar's powers. Just then, 3 security guards show up, guns drawn at Claire, Peter and HRG. HRG tries to tell them the president's in danger but they still keep their guns aimed. Claire finally walks forward and puts her head to the one guard's gun and says to listen to her now or she'll tell him after he shoots her.
Matt and Angela infiltrate the hotel where Matt uses his power to convince a guard he's from the secret service. The guard lets them pass. Matt comes to the hotel room where Nathan's lying dead in a chair. He tries to prevent Angela from seeing it, but she goes in anyways and begins screaming out. Angela hugs Nathan's dead body. She says she doesn't understand because in her dream she was supposed to save him.
Nathan arrives in a kitchen area to meet with the president. Liam Samuels comes up and says he can't give him anymore time to stop Sylar, the president's waiting. Nathan says it's ok he doesn't have anymore time to give. Sylar disguises himself as Samuels and heads out to where the calvacade is leaving with the president in a limo. Samuels (Sylar) gets in, and tells the president it's good to see he's alright. He puts out his hand to shake, and the president shakes firmly, then suddenly Sylar begins morphing through the various people he's changed into, eventually becoming himself again. The president sticks a tranquilizer into Sylar's neck. The president transforms into Peter and reveals he took Sylar's shapeshifter abilities.
Matt, HRG and Angela have Sylar in the hotel suite. Angela and HRG try to convince Matt to use his powers to make Sylar appear as Nathan Petrelli to convince the president of their plan. Angela pleads with Matt to help them. HRG says they'll use a shapeshifter's body from Building 26 to look like Sylar's dead body. Matt finally agrees to it and tries to get inside Sylar's head. He starts telling him he's no longer Sylar, and that Sylar's dead, he's now Nathan Petrelli. Matt starts planting memories of Nathan into Sylar's head to make him believe he's Nathan. Suddenly, Sylar wakes up and is convulsing. He rolls onto his side and transforms into Nathan, then looks at Angela and says "mom?"
Suresh narrates about how we're all connected by an invisible thread, yet still individuals. The new Nathan, Angela and HRG set a fake Nathan's body to fire (shapeshifter). Hiro, Ando, Suresh, Claire, Peter, and Matt Parkman all watch the fake shapeshifter Sylar's body go up in flames. Nathan tells HRG the president agreed to everything, funding, research and deniability. Nathan said he told the president he found just the men to head up his Company. Ando notices Hiro having another headache, and Hiro tells them it's time to go home. HRG tells Claire "he's really dead" and Matt Parkman gives HRG a look of disgust. Volume four ends.
Volume Five - "Redemption" starts. It's six weeks later. Kent Harper a former Building 26 agent arrives home to find water is leaking all over the place in his kitchen. The water runs in a huge puddle towards the living room then begins to materialize into the form of a woman who looks like Tracy Strauss. She tells the agent "You're #4" and then kills him. Nathan aka Sylar is shown reading a newspaper about the latest murder. Angela enters the office saying she hasn't heard from him in weeks and was starting to worry. Nathan tells her he hasn't felt like himself lately. Angela tells him the world is his oyster now. Angela tells him to come along so they won't be late for lunch. Nathan walks over and looks at a clock and is fascinated by it. He says the clock is running a minute and a half fast, adjusts it and puts the case back on. Nathan prepares to leave, asking Angela if she wants Italian or Chinese. To be continued...
Labels: Claire Bennett, Danko, Episode Recaps, HRG, Matt Parkman, Mohinder Suresh, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, Season 3, Season Finale, Sylar
Wow, so for the second time in a row they "kill off" Nathan at the end of the season... But not really.... Redundant anyone? I would say that this episode had probably the most potential, and yet was the biggest let down. The most interesting scene of the entire season, Peter and Nathan fighting Sylar, was not shown AT ALL!!!??? Total dissapointment!!!
4/30/2009 8:45 AM
Good drama and sci-fi tv series! The story was great and the actors/actress performance too.
Good post!
8/02/2009 8:46 PM
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