Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Season 3: Episode 23: "1961"

Chapter 10 of Heroes Seaons 3 called "1961" flashes back almost 50 years ago into the pasts of Angela Petrelli and her sister Alice who were part of government experiments and studies on "people with extraordinary abilities". It also involves Dr. Suresh (Mohinder's father) as well as founding members of "The Company" such as Charles Deveraux, Bobby Bishop and Mr. Linderman.

The setting is Coyote Sands, where currently Peter, Nathan, Claire and HRG are digging up grave sites. HRG finds some sort of bracelet in the grave he digs up. Claire tries to talk Peter into forgiving Nathan, while Peter isn't having it. He goes to comfort Angela and ask why she brought them there. Angela says she brought them to find her sister.

The scene flashes back to February 1961, where a bus arrives at Coyote Sands Relocation Center. Dr. Chandra Suresh is checking in the various "guests" including a young Angela (Shaw) and her sister Alice Shaw. Suresh claims he came a long way from Bombay, India to help them. Angela notices there are armed guards and Suresh says it is for their own safety. Charles Deveraux, Bobby Bishop and Daniel Linderman stop by to officially welcome Angela and Alice to the camp. Alice is upset to be away from their parents and home. Angela tells them it'll be fun then finds in Alice's suitcase toys and books including "Alice in Wonderland". Angela and Alice make a pact to always be there for each other. As the scene shifts back to present day, Angela tells Peter they need to be a family again. Just then, a hand is shown moving aside a curtain so someone can look out the window at them.

Angela recalls that in 61 the government found out about those with abilities and said they could help them, by curing them. She says things went horribly wrong, and many people died. Angela says recently she's had dreams of her sister, still alive. Peter is mad she didn't tell them about the sister before but Angela says it was to protect them. She also reveals that the Company formed out of this, a pact to never let something this bad happen again. Claire asks HRG if he was part of trying to help with this, and he says yes, but Claire says he blew it. Angela says they had to commit certain necessary evils to keep things safe. Peter, still angry says the Company tore the family apart. Peter flies off and Nathan goes after him.

Deveraux, Bishop and Linderman find Angela outside one night. They talk about her having a nightmare regarding the Coyote Sands area, which Angela won't tell them about. Linderman notices a scar on her leg and touches her leg, showing his power to heal. Charles Deveraux tells her to stop being scared and start believing. Angela tells them not to trust Dr. Suresh. Alice comes out of their cabin asking what's going on, so Angela goes to get her to sleep. Alice confesses she overheard what Angela said. As they're laying in their beds, Alice also confesses her ability to control weather and makes a small snow storm start outside the window.

Angela and Claire have some alone time, with Angela saying she's envious of Claire's courage and confidence, which she wishes she had. Claire asks why she couldn't tell Peter or Nathan about all this before. Angela says she feels she did something so awful, that she's so ashamed of she couldn't possibly talk about it. Just then, heavy winds start up outside causing dust and limited visibility outside. Angela says she saw this in her dream. Claire ushers her back inside as the storm intensifies.

Nathan and Peter meet at a cafe down the road, where Nathan asks for forgiveness. Peter reminds him of how their father offered two playoff tickets and two World Series tickets to them. Peter says he feels Nathan conned him into going to the playoff games instead of the series. Nathan suggests they need to try to forgive each other, and Peter says he's trying hard. Just then an Emergency news statement comes on a TV saying that there's a major storm.

HRG is out and about in the heavy winds at Coyote Sand yelling for Claire. Just then something hits him and knocks him down. He's dragged into a building and Mohinder is there, accusing him of trying to hunt him down. HRG says he's not with the project now. Suresh says he found a folder that his father was here at Coyote Sands. HRG tells him of the grave sites and hundreds dead.

Back to 1961, Dr. Suresh meets with Angela separately in a building to gauge her abilities to tell him the symbols on cards he holds up. Angela gets them 100%, then says she had a dream about all this earlier. Angela says the dreams are confusing, and confesses having a horrible dream that Dr. Suresh is going to kill everyone there. Angela says things are going to get out of control even though he's a good man. Suresh says they need this project so these people can become contributing members of society. He tells her her dreams are confusing and prepares to inject her with a needle.

In present day, Claire tries to argue that this is just a storm, while Angela knows its her sister. She leaves to find her with Claire telling her its too dangerous. Claire leaves the building as the storm suddenly subsides. There's no sign of Angela as Peter and Nathan fly in to hear the news.

Suresh is upset at the fact his father may have murdered all the people at Coyote Sands. HRG tries to convince him that he may have had good intentions and just because he worked with the enemy doesn't mean he was one of them. Claire, Nathan and Peter arrive. They all split up to look for Angela.

Suresh goes off with Peter, with Suresh still discussing how depressing it is to learn what his father was up to. Peter tells him to stop being so hard on himself. Suresh says he's weak, corruptible and selfish. Peter says his mother wants to start a new Company for their own protection. Suresh says he needs to learn redemption is possible, even for Nathan.

Claire, HRG and Nathan go off separately. HRG informs Nathan of Sylar's new shapeshifting ability to be anyone, anytime. Claire finds an Alice in Wonderland book cover and asks her two dads when the last time they remember going to a movie or reading her a story. Claire says she tried to become an agent but it was a bad move, because she was only trying to impress them. Claire regrets trying to grow up too fast.

Things flashback to 1961 again, with Deveraux telling Angela they need to escape. Charles tells her that Alice can't go along because she'll only slow them down. He tells Angela to lie to her sister about them leaving tonight. Angela goes and tells Alice she's going to sneak out for a bit with the boys tonight. Angela then lies saying she had a dream that Alice will be safe there and not to be scared. Angela leaves to sneak off.

In present day, Angela finds a dwelling full of all sorts of books and objects including the original Alice in Wonderland book her sister brought to Coyote Sands. Just then, a person begins coming down the stairs and comes face to face with Angela. Angela realizes its her sister Alice and begins to tear up.

Alice doesn't speak to Angela just yet, but instead begins to play an older song on the record player. Things flash back to Coyote Sands cafe on the night things went horribly wrong. Angela is meeting with Bishop, Deveraux and Linderman. Deveraux asks Angela to dance since she missed her prom. Angela is surprised Charles knew this without her telling him. People in the cafe begin staring that an African American is dancing with a Caucasian girl. The cook tells them they don't allow "colors dancing like this" in the cafe. Deveraux looks at him and then loudly tells everyone looking at them to forget this ever happened. Everyone goes back to what they were doing, and Deveraux's ability has now been shown. Just then, a warning comes on a TV about the weather getting worse. Angela says they must get back to Alice.

In present day, Alice tells her sister that yes she's alive still. Angela asks how this is possible. Alice tells her she found this building packed with food, then as that ran out she stole all the things she needed. Angela asks why she stayed and Alice says it's because Angela told her she'd be safe if she stayed there. Alice says she felt the world would be safe from her. She then recalls that Dr. Suresh tried to inject her with a needle, but she became scared and started a storm which shot them back with lightning. Alice ran outside with Suresh chasing her. He grabbed her by the arm and after a struggle slapped her. Alice's father rushed over and used his hand to blast Suresh back with some sort of force. Just then, he was shot by armed guards and shots began ringing out amongst people's screams. Alice hid under a building to witness it all.

Angela tells her sister in present day she no longer has to stay there anymore. Angela reveals that she still steals socks for her as a reminder to protect the ones she loves. Alice tells Angela it's not her fault, but Angela confesses she lied to protect her. Alice becomes enraged and unleashes a storm. She blasts Angela away, as Peter and Suresh rush in to try to help. Suresh gets blasted back as Peter tries to help out. Angela tries to calm Alice down, asking her not to punish everyone else for her mistakes. She tells Alice she's got a family now. Alice eventually stops the storm. Angela tells her to say goodbye to this place and come home with her, but Alice says no and rushes outside. Angela goes out after her but she's vanished.

It's now night time and Peter is asking Suresh to come back with them. Suresh says he's not ready to go and is still soul searching after learning of what his father was involved in. Peter hands him a canister of old film saying it may shed some light on his father's participation. They shake hands and Peter leaves Suresh at Coyote Sands.

Back in 1961, Angela, Deveraux, Bishop and Linderman meet at the local cafe. Angela reveals she had a dream they will form a company to protect themselves and others. Deveraux asks what they'll do, and Angela says whatever they have to, even necessary evils.

After the story's been told, HRG, Nathan, Peter, Angela and Claire are all having dinner at the same cafe. Peter proclaims that they're not a Company, but a family, which has a capacity for forgiveness. Peter suggests they're better together as a unit and need to work to make themselves a secret. HRG adds in they need to try to get their lives put back together too. Nathan suggests for the next part of the plan he'll head back to DC to try to talk to the president. Just then, Claire notices on the cafe's TV that Nathan is speaking at a press conference. HRG says its Sylar, as the episode concludes. To be Continued...

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