Season 3's Mysterious Rebel

(Save the cheerleader, she'll save you)
One of the most mysterious characters in Heroes Season 3 Fugitives is a text messager known simply as "Rebel". The rebellious figure has been sending instructional messages to everyone amongst the heroes to aid them in escaping. Rebel's warned Matt Parkman, Suresh, Peter, Claire, Hiro and Ando all of the impending dangers. In Episode 18 "Exposed", the puppetmaster villain (who Sylar must not have killed?) showed up at the Bennet home informing Claire that Rebel told him "Claire will save you".
In the last episode, Angela Petrelli crushed the idea that she was the Rebel when Nathan confronted her. That doesn't leave her out, because the Petrelli's aren't always upfront about everything. She did mention that she doesn't know how to use computers very well though. It could be an insider, but most likely it's someone we've seen before. One individual we haven't seen or heard from since earlier in "Villains", is Micah Sanders, Nikki/Jessica's technogeek-son, who definitely knows how to manipulate technology. Micah was able to get Nathan elected, eject wads of cash from ATM's and order free Pay-Per-Views on TV, so there's no reason he wouldn't be able to use his abilities to hack into the mainframes over at Building 26. He may be hiding out somewhere and viewing the same video feeds that the people going after the heroes are. Micah never really met all of the heroes he's contacted such as Claire Bennet, but he could very well have retrieved some sort of files or list via his hacking.
There's some other possibilities. There was the female known as Wireless who appeared in only a few episodes, but had the ability to control communications devices. My memory might be skewed on this, but I don't recall the soldier (Scott) who was tested with the formula and became super strong getting killed, although he may have burned in the nasty fire at Pinehearst. Claire's real mother who had pyrokinesis supposedly perished in an explosion/fire as did Nikki/Jessica during Season 2. Monica Dawson has also been M.I.A. Another character who basically just vanished is West, Claire's former classmate love interest. He's got that power of flight which has kept Peter from being captured and he could possibly be able to run some surveillance from the sky. The smart money's on Micah Sanders for now, until we get some more revealing clues about this mysterious yet helpful character.
Labels: Angela Petrellia, Building 26, Claire Bennett, Commentary, Micah, Peter Petrelli, Season 3, Speculations, West, Wireless
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