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Friday, February 27, 2009

Season 3: Episode 17: "Cold Wars"

Season 3: Episode 17: "Cold Wars"

In Costa Verde, Parkman, Suresh and Peter Petrelli convene and discuss how they will go about interrogating Noah Bennet. Peter brings a drug to knockout HRG, because Matt says simply reading his mind won't work, since HRG is trained. Suresh and Peter debate the idea of kidnapping and drugging people but Matt reminds them these people turned them all into fugitives who are being hunted. A replay is shown of HRG at the bar passing out, with Suresh, Peter and Parkman coming over to "assist their friend in leaving". We return to present day where HRG is tied up in a chair, drugged, and Parkman enters his mind.

The flashback in Black and White goes back five weeks ago with HRG. HRG meets with Angela Bennet on a bench to discuss the work they have left to do now that Primatech has burned down. Angela hands HRG an envelope containing payout for his years of service, as well as a watch. Angela says she's tired of the years of lies and stress, then tells HRG to go home and take Claire. HRG says this is all he's ever known. Angela tells him to take care of Claire and himself. Parkman comes out of the flashback in HRG's memory and tells Suresh and Petrelli they're going to find out exactly who's responsible for all this and he will keep pushing as far as he needs to.

Back at Building 26, the Hunter tells Nathan that Noah Bennet is off their tracking grid. Nathan asks about Claire, and the head hunter says due to the fact he and HRG are allowing Claire to be free from the list, they're both tarnished. The Hunter reveals to Nathan he's spying on him as well.

Suresh argues about Matt causing pain to HRG by digging in his brain. Suresh tells Matt he's better than HRG, but Matt says they know nothing and need to know everything they can about the operations. Matt goes back inside HRG's head to find out how the whole thing started. Four weeks ago, HRG is at home doing a crossword puzzle, when Sandra comes in and tells them they're going to dinner with parents of Lyle's friends. Sandra kisses HRG tells him it's nice having him around. Just then a knock comes at the door and it's Nathan Petrelli. HRG thinks he's there for Claire, but instead Nathan talks to him privately in his office. Nathan says he set some things in motion, but that Claire will be safe. Nathan informs him that the US Government has the resources to fix the problem of those with abilities. Nathan says there will be exceptions to those that are hunted down, possibly Claire if HRG is on board for this. HRG tells Nathan he will be seen as a villain, especially by Claire. Nathan says he just wants to make things right, then asks HRG for his insight on how he tracked these people for 20 years. HRG brings Nathan to a secret locked area containing files and weapons from the last 20 years of his life. HRG says the government needs perspective on how to track these people, and there's only so many crossword puzzles they can do.

Matt Parkman snaps out of Bennet's memory and tells Suresh & Peter that HRG and Nathan planned all of this. Suresh and Parkman begin to argue over what Parkman's doing. Peter yells at them to stop. Matt orders Peter to go pickup weapons at Bennet's storage area which he found out about in HRG's memory. Peter takes the address with lock combo and says he'll go instead. HRG seems to be awake overhearing the arguing, then pretends he's out. Peter heads to weapons storage area and begins to grab various weapons, but there's a video camera capturing his moves. Back at Building 26 an agent spots Peter and informs the Hunter. The Hunter informs Nathan they found Peter, with Nathan inquiring how Peter knew about the storage facility. Nathan instructs the Hunter to take Peter alive with no bloodshed, despite the fact Peter is in a weapons storage facility. Just then, they lose their visual coverage. Armed soldiers storm the facility to find Peter. They open the door, with Peter tossing a flash grenade out at the soldiers. As the grenade goes off, Peter flies straight out the door and out of the facility.

Meanwhile, HRG has come to and tells Parkman and Suresh that Peter is either captured or dead. He tells Suresh that he knows the weapons storage spot is under surveillance. Matt says he needs more info about who else Nathan and HRG is working with, so he enters HRG's head again. We flash back to a meeting at Building 26, where Nathan introduces HRG to the Hunter. HRG discusses the concept of having "one of us, one of them" when working on things, but the Hunter says he prefers "none of them" because it's about trust with "us versus them". HRG tells the Hunter for 20 years he was successful making sure people like the Hunter didn't know the people with abilities even existed. The Hunter tells HRG not to presume anything about him. HRG questions Nathan as to why he's not in charge of things and Nathan tells him things became more serious.

In the B&W flashback, HRG is shown getting into a cab driven by Suresh. HRG tells Suresh that something big is happening and he needs his help. HRG tells Suresh there's a government program which is going to blow up in their face. HRG says with Mohinder's brain and strength they can help people and save lives. Suddenly, Matt comes out of HRG's memories and begins to confront Suresh about meeting with HRG. The two get into a physical altercation, with Suresh tossing Matt around and smashing a mirror. As they fight out of the main room, HRG spots a shard of glass. Suresh tells Matt he couldn't tell him about his meeting with HRG because if he did he might be the one tied up in the chair right now. Just then as glance look over the chair is empty with the door open as HRG has escaped.

Parkman and Suresh rush outside of their motel room frantically looking for HRG in the dark parking lot. HRG hides behind the front of a car, then goes over and breaks its antenna off. HRG uses the antenna to open the door lock, then gets in to attempt to hotwire it. Just then something smashes down on the hood causing the windshield to shatter a bit. Peter Petrelli has landed on the car, and then are able to restrain HRG again, this time with duck tape. Peter suggest that maybe they should hit the road as the soldiers found him already. Suresh agrees but Matt says he gets no vote, then informs Peter that Suresh met with HRG before. Suresh says he didn't tell them because who would believe him after all he's done. Matt again goes back into HRG's brain to find out the name of the person HRG is taking orders from.

The flashback goes to one week ago. HRG stops by the Hunter's apartment with a bottle of liquor and offers a drink. HRG says they need to understand where each other are coming from. The Hunter says he knows what HRG is up to because he's concerned about Claire. The Hunter says HRG danced between Company Man and Family Man way too much. The Hunter says they will need to focus to win this war for good. HRG says he read the Hunter's files too and realizes he takes his work everywhere and might think he's perfect. HRG says he needs to realize these are people not terrorists they're going after. Danko asks if HRG will take orders from him, and HRG tells him "you're the boss". Matt writes down the apartment address that HRG went to when he met Danko. He gives it to Peter to go find him. HRG urges them not to go after Danko saying it's a big mistake and he's unraveling things he doesn't understand. Despite HRG's protests, Peter heads out. Just then, several SUV's pull up outside the motel and armed soldiers get out.

Danko arrives back to his apartment and calls in orders for backup. As he's switching on his surveillance monitors, Peter is shown standing behind him, aiming a gun right at him. Back at Building 26, an agent alerts Nathan of the incident. Peter asks Danko if he's the one behind all this. Danko begins to try to manipulate Peter and puts his head up against the gun telling Peter to get his mission over with. Danko reminds Peter he broke into his home and now has a gun pointed at him. Danko says if Peter kills him, he'll get exactly what he wants, for everyone to see how dangerous they are. Just then Nathan appears, and tells Peter that Danko's right. Danko gets suspicious of how Nathan got to the apartment so quickly. Nathan tells Peter to trust him so he can fix things, but Peter yells at him to shutup and then shoots Danko in the arm. Nathan says if Peter pulls the trigger and kills Danko, it'll give the government open command to kill those with abilities rather than contain them. He tells Peter that if he shoots Danko he'll be signing Parkman and Suresh's death warrant. Peter backs off then flies out the window to go save them. Danko asks Nathan why he told Peter about troops descending where Parkman and Suresh were. Nathan tells him he just saved his life. Danko screams on the phone for the troops to take Parkman and Suresh immediately.

The soldiers begin breaking into motel rooms with their rifles ready. Suresh tells Matt they should hit the road while they can. Matt cocks a pistol and points it right at HRG getting angry over HRG's involvement. HRG reveals to him that Daphne's still alive. He tells Matt to go inside his mind if he doesn't believe him. Suresh tells Matt to do so and he'll hold off the soldiers. Matt goes back into HRG's mind and sees several days ago where HRG and The Head Hunter found out that one of the people shot was still alive. Daphne is shown on a gurney screaming in pain from the gunshot wounds. HRG rushes over and tells them to use three times the normal amount of sedatives on her to keep her down. Matt comes back out of HRG's memories shocked at the revelation.

Meanwhile, outside the motel room Suresh tries to distract the soldiers but eventually they are too much for him and hit him with tranquilizers. Suresh falls onto the pavement and the soldiers surround him. Back in the room, HRG reminds Matt that he isn't a killer and things will only get worse. Just then the door bursts open and soldiers enter with their rifles aimed at Parkman. He finally lowers the gun and surrenders. HRG yells for them not to hurt him. He asks to walk Parkman out after he's been subdued. As they're walking towards the parking lot all of a sudden a grenade is thrown and rolls near their feet. A bright flash goes off, and Peter flies in to scoop up Parkman and fly off.

Back in building 26, Suresh is restrained. Nathan enters the cell and someone throws water on Suresh to wake him up. Nathan tells Suresh that he's trying to save them, contain them instead of kill them. Suresh laughs at his plan to round them up and keep them forever. Nathan asks for Suresh's assistance with Suresh saying he won't help. Nathan shows Suresh that Daphne's still alive, but says his associates will probably kill her, then Suresh, then Peter, Matt and the rest. Suresh seems swayed a bit as Nathan leaves the cell.

HRG meets with Danko who tells him to take some time off. HRG says Danko was right before saying he was weak with his focus. Danko says he believes Nathan was off track before but that maybe the two of them can pull this together. HRG says he agrees and just then Danko gets into a car to take off. HRG meets with Angela Bennet again at a Park Bench nearby. HRG tells her that he thinks Danko trusts him. Angela says Danko will continue to test him. HRG tells Angela that Danko and Nathan don't know what's going on. Angela tells HRG he'll have to make tough choices and HRG says he's always been comfortable with "morally gray", then leaves his watch gift on the bench.

The scene shifts to Matt Parkman feverishly creating paintings in a loft apartment with Peter watching. The paintings reveal sticks of dynamite including some strapped around Matt. Matt becomes upset over the images asking Peter how this could be. Peter tells him he's not a killer, but then a huge painting on the floor reveals flames and fire around Washington DC. To be continued...

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