Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Why We Love Heroes

With less than a week til the next exciting episode of Heroes, its a good time to embrace reasons why the show has been embraced so much by the nation and other countries as well.

-The diversity of the show sets it apart from many these days. There are characters of each gender, race, religious beliefs, political beliefs who we can all identify with. It goes to show that any human can enjoy special abilities and use them for good or evil.

-It keeps us guessing. Not 1 episode has gone by where we didn't have a million new questions starting up. Although each episode gives us glimpses of the truth, we learn that even that may be not what we think it is.

-It's part of several genres/niches. Heroes plays well to sci fi/fantasy, drama and action fans of serial TV shows. It incorporates aspects of all these genres into 1 great TV show. Even though sci-fi/action fans get disappointed by lack of effects at times, there is enough to savor and enough to spark imagination.

-The powers are just cool. Each of us secretly wishes for a superpower, and the show does well to exploit and display some of the more popular choices. From reading minds to controlling them, from walking through walls to flying and superhuman strength, it's hard to find someone who would not like to possess at least one of the powers. We all crave to know what other people are thinking and this power alone shows us how the human mind works.

Overall, excellent writing, production and cast keep this show a hit. As we tune in each week to see our favorite characters in their struggles and triumphs, we all have our own internal reason to love the show. Start your countdown timer, set your TIVO or DVR, the show resumes in less than a week...



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