Discusses the hit NBC show "Heroes", its characters, plots and theories.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Is Peter Petrelli the Hero Killer?

NBC Heroes Hooded Killer

It's starting to seem possible that Peter Petrelli is the hooded Heroes killer now. On this past week's show Peter received that note from "Adam". It just might be the same guy (Adam Monroe) that Bob told Suresh was dangerous to the Company...hmmm...Maybe Adam meets Peter in the future we saw and convinces Peter he needs to kill the Company and all its associates back in "present day"? Not too far fetched...Then again, maybe this Adam guy is the killer because as we saw in Painting 7 of 8, it didn't quite look like anyone we've seen yet, and this guy doesn't like The Company, hence he is HRG's killer..

When coming up with suspects, it seems to be best to consider the following:

1) The build of the hooded figure we were shown is sort of slender, which is like Peter, Nathan, West, maybe Takezo or even West. If the Petrelli dad is still alive he may be a possibility too.

2) Motives - Who wants these people dead? Someone committing crimes of passion or revenge? Is it someone they tracked, or someone whose life they have really messed up? Or someone trying to save the future from the Company? Or someone who used to work with or for them who now wants to destroy them?

3) Powers they might need - Judging from how Kaito was killed, the killer either can fly and/or regenerate/heal. They may be able to turn invisible (based on the Angela Petrelli attack). I'd go one step further and add teleportation to that list, because we saw Hiro teleport himself out of harm's way before hitting a building (when Sylar threw him towards it). Thinking of it like this, Peter has every one of these mentioned abilities.

Peter makes a prime suspect under all 3 of these above criteria. He has a similar figure to the hooded individual. He also has more than one motive with the whole "blow up NY plot" using him as the bomb, or possibly learning something in 2008 that leads him to want to kill off the elders. Suffering a serious case of amnesia, he could easily be teleporting away to perform killings or attacks. And he definitely has enough powers to achieve these murders and the Angela Petrelli attack. While he's a big fan favorite on this show, it seems premature to rule out any one of the characters as suspects right now, especially on a show about superheroes.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

More Future Paintings Revealed

Noah Bennet aka "Horn Rimmed Glasses" and his good buddy The Haitian payed a little visit to HRG's former mentor, Ivan in Russia. During their visit they were made privy to the location of the remaining 7 paintings in the series of 8 that deceased Heroes painter Isaac Mendez drew. Here's a look at what they found.

HRG Paintings Heroes NBC
The only thing distinguishable above appears to be a hand holding a vile of some sort. Possibly the cure for Heroes' sickness or the Shanti virus that Suresh was told to administer to Monica Dawson.

Above: In a painting on which we see no number, a blond woman appears to be pounding her fists on a door or wall, possibly because she is locked in somewhere. Best guess from the picture is that is Niki Sanders.

NBC Heroes Painting 6 of 8 Hiro Nakamura Takezo Kensei Above: A Hiro Nakamura vs. Takezo Kensei showdown, similar to Darth vs. Ben Kinobi and Anakin Skywalker versus Ben Kinobi from the Star Wars movies. (Painting 6 of 8)

NBC Heroes Painting 7 of 8
Above: Will this be the man who shoots and murders HRG? Possibly "Adam Monroe" who we have yet to formally meet? Or someone else? (Painting 7 of 8)

Above: The Death of HRG? Say it ain't so. (Painting 8 of 8)

So that really gives us about 5 of the 8 paintings to mull over. We already saw the painting of the death of Kaito Nakamura, #1 in the series. There's about 3 more left for us to check out, which were probably kept out of our sight for good reason..

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Season 2: Episode 6: "The Line"

NBC Heroes Episode The Line HRG

Monica, Dr. Suresh, Molly & Niki

Monica Dawson is watching gymnastics on a TV and mimicking the moves. Suresh comes in and talks to her about her powers, saying she is there for observation in New York. Bob comes in and introduces himself to her as "in charge of operations", then asks to speak to Suresh alone. Suresh notices a file folder with "Adam Monroe" on the file tab. Bob takes out a syringe with the Shanti virus, saying they will test it on Monica to see if they can take away her ability without harming her. Suresh warns against using this and creating a strain that could wipe out the entire population. Bob tells Suresh this is "for the greater good" and tells Suresh he must inject Monica.

Suresh calls HRG about what he's been asked to do, and HRG tells Suresh to go through with it and not to disappoint him. Later, Suresh is about to administer the shot to Monica, then tells her he can't do it. Suresh leaves the room and tells Bob he refuses to give the shot. Bob says someone else will. Suresh takes a chair and tosses it at the glass cabinet full of the virus viles, smashing it all. Suresh tells Bob he is going to take Molly and leave so someone else can do this research.

Bob later speaks to Suresh and says he is under a tremendous of pressure to stop a force going after them that is very dangerous. Suresh asks if it's "Adam Monroe" and Bob says yes. Bob tells Suresh he has someone else at his disposal to make sure there's no further problems, so Suresh agrees to continue helping him.

Bob delivers Monica back home and tells her she has a Burger Bonanza management training session. He hands her a folder of info and an iPod video she can learn "any skill she wants from". Monica is amazed by the support, advice and gifts. Bob tells her she has an amazing gift and that the town she's in could use some "amazing".

Niki/Jessica Sanders comes in to visit Suresh at the lab. Niki tells Sures she is going to be his new partner working with the Company for a while now. Niki tells Suresh she found out from Bob they are having some trust issues and she will make sure there's no more understandings.

Claire & West

Claire is trying out with several other girls for cheerleading at her new school. The head cheerleader, Debbie votes "No" to all 3 girls, but one girl stands up for Claire. Debbie asks if anyone else wants to vote for Claire, and no other girl comes forward. Debbie says Claire isn't "exiraordinary".

Claire talks to West about lying to her dad, saying she made the cheerleading team. Claire also talks about not making the team, and her and West talk about publicly humiliating the head cheerleader to bring her down a notch.

Late night at Claire's school, Claire asks the head cheerleader for another shot to be on the team. The cheerleader is getting drunk off a bottle in her hand and tells Claire no again. Just then someone in a dark ski mask comes up behind Claire and grabs her. The figure rises up into the air, flying, indicating it's West. West then drops a screaming Claire down onto a set of stone steps. The hooded figure flies after the head cheerleader, as she runs screaming.

Later Debbie is interviewed bya police officer and she describes what sounds like a crazy incident. Claire comes up saying she was never chased by a "flying hooded figure" and the police officers determine that the head cheerleader has been drinking. Later, the cheerleader who voted for Claire comes running up to West and Claire and tells them Debbie was suspended and kicked off the team for drinking. The girl tells Claire she's now officially on the cheerleading team.

Sylar, Alejandro & Maya

Sylar is traveling with Maya and Alejandro through Mexico to get to the US border. Sylar tells Maya how he used to have extraordinary powers and wants them back because he wants to be "special and unique". Sylar charms Maya a bit and starts to brush his hand against Maya's face as her brother wakes up in the back seat. Alejandro tells Maya he doesn't trust Sylar and wants to find someone else to take them across their border so they can ditch Sylar. Maya disagrees and says they will go with Gabriel because he can help them find Dr. Suresh.

Maya, Alejandro and Sylar make it to the border for the United States, but just as they cross the border, trucks come out and they are surrounded by men with guns claiming to be "Border Control". Sylar tells Maya they are fakes and to just drive around them, and Maya becomes upset. Sylar convinces Maya to use her gift to help them get past the men. Alejandro yells for Maya to take his hand, but Sylar says no and pushes his hand away. Maya becomes upset and the border patrol men all fall to the ground. Sylar begins to get sick too and tells Maya to "drive".

Later Sylar has been cured of the sickenss Maya caused. Alejandro starts to beat up Sylar for allowing Maya to wipe out the men she did. Maya tells him to stop because she had to do it to help them all. Maya pleads with Alejandro to let Sylar continue with them. Alejandro agrees but tells her next time her eyes go black he won't offer his hand and will let Sylar die. Maya goes to the car trunk and then Sylar tells Alejandro how he will kill them both once he gains his powers back. Sylar says even if he doesn't Maya is developing nicely and is a "shiny toy" that is all his.

Hiro, Kensei, Princess, Ando

Ando continues to look at the scroll message that Hiro sent. A scientist helps him read the ancient parchment, which discusses the attack in 1671 Kiso Mountain, Japan. Hiro remarks how he fears for the lives of Kensei and the princess in this battle to save her father. Hiro points out "the tent that smolders" on a map which is the one the princess' father is in. The princess asks Hiro why he has stayed back with them, but Hiro is unable to answer as Takezo comes up. Takezo says they must go to the "smoldering tent" and Hiro pretends it was Kensei who knew this all along.

Kensei, Hiro, the princess and her father begin to escape from the heavily guarded army camp of tents. Kensei fights off soldiers with his sword. One warrior emerges from behind them and fires a rifle towards Hiro and the princess, and Hiro quickly uses his power to teleport them out of harm's way. The princess asks Hiro how they got to an empty forest. Hiro pretends not to know, but the princess says he held her and they moved to a new location. The princess then realizes Hiro can do amazing things, and he tells her he wants to fix history. The princess asks Hiro if he loves her and Hiro says yes, very much. The princess goes to kiss Hiro but he stops time and thinks twice about the "space time continuum". Hiro kisses her anyways and Kensei is seen looking on at them. According to the scroll Ando is reading Hiro's kiss screwed up the space-time continuum. Ando asks where the rest of the story is and the scientist says there isn't more.

Kensei, Hiro and the princess plot their attack at night time. Kensei goes up to the main warrior guarding the princess' father's tent. The man stabs Kensei with a samurai sword. Kensei doesn't die due to his ability to heal/regenerate. Kensei knocks the man out, then he Hiro and the princess rescue the princess' father. The princess' father discusses that the army holding him there has a large arsenal of guns. Hiro tells Kensei he must destroy all the guns to keep the way of the Samurai going.

Kensei confronts Hiro about kissing the princess. Hiro says he accidentally fell in love with the princess, and Kensei says Hiro has cut him deeper than any blade could. Hiro swears to Kensei that that will be his last kiss and the fate of the world still lies in Kensei's hands. Kensei ends up knocking Hiro out from behind, then the enemy warriors come in, holding the princess and her father prisoner. Kensei has made a deal with the enemy, and steps over Hiro who is face first on the ground.

HRG & The Haitian

HRG pays a visit to Ukraine to see his Russian Mentor, Ivan. After knocking him out and restraining Ivan in a chair, HRG threatens to have Haitian wipe out treasured memories in Ivan's head if he doesn't give them info. HRG instructs Haitian to start with the day Ivan met his wife and Haitian puts his head over Ivan's forehead. Ivan tells HRG he should be tired of running and hiding his family from The Company. HRG tells Haitian to wipe out all his memories of Claire and HRG's family. Ivan suggest that they make a deal and asks HRG to come back to work with him and he'll be safe. HRG says forget it, after noticing a picture of Ivan's family up on a mantel. Ivan says he will give HRG the paintings and his life back if HRG "trusts him".

HRG asks Ivan about the daughter in his family picture who must have died and remarks how painful it must have been for Ivan. HRG tells Haitian to wipe out Ivan's memories of the daughter and Ivan finally gives in, telling HRG where the other paintings are located. Ivan asks if now the Haitian will wipe out all his memories of their visit. HRG says no instead they will make it look like a home invasion and murder, because otherwise the Company would discover Ivan's memory loss and trace it to the Haitian. HRG pulls a gun and Ivan pleads with him to stop or he'll "condemn himself to Hell". HRG shoots Ivan anyways and says "I know".

HRG and Haitian open a crate to discover the other paintings Isaac Mendez drew in the series of 8. A visible painting shows a vile of some liquid from a laboratory. HRG looks at paintings of a blond female banging her hands on a door, Hiro having a samurai sword fight with Takezo Kensei (painting 6), a man holding a smoking gun (painting 7), and then HRG laying dead on the ground, shot in the eye (painting 8). HRG asks "what does it mean?"

Peter and Kaitlyn

Peter and Kaitlynn decide to head to Monetreal in search of Ricky's killer. Kaitlynn says she wants to go, but Peter says its too dangerous. However, Kaitlynn says she needs to be there to "kill the bitch" for what she did to her brother.

Peter and Kaitlyn arrive in Montreal, Canada where they look at Peter's painting he drew and find the location it depicts. They come to a door which has the helix symbol carved above it. Peter and Kaitlyn enter the dark room. Peter finds a note on a mirror left with his name on it. The note reads "We were right about The Company. The World is in danger. It's up to Us. -Adam" Peter asks Kaitlyn what he's supposed to do and she says "he'll figure it out" then they hug. Peter says "tell me who I am and what the future holds". Just then, Kaitlyn and Peter are teleported to New York City which is completely empty of people, traffic and seems full of trash. Peter finds an "Evacuation Notice" paper laying on the ground which is dated "June 14th, 2008", making Peter realize he and Kaitlyn are one year into the future.

The episode closes with "In Memory of Tim Susco". Susco worked as key assistant location manager for the episode "Four Months Later. His IMDB profile reads that he died on August 15, 2007 at the young age of 25.

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

8 Heroes Questions to Consider

As Season 2 of Heroes continues to progress, here's some of the questions I'm working with. Also includes my speculation for what could easily happen this season. These aren't spoilers, just my ideas of what may happen.

1) Who is the Hero killer? My best guess is the "hooded hero killer" is either Nathan, Claude (the invisible man who trained Peter, season 1), or the Petrelli father. Nathan, Claude and Mr. Petrelli seem to have motives as they may not like "The Company" agenda or what was being planned for the city of New York. It would not be surprising if Parkman's dad is using mind tricks to involve Nathan or make it look like Nathan is involved. Takezo Kensei would make for a great twist in the plot, as we are watching him as a hero in the past and he's a killer in the present (it may even relate to #5 below).

2) Is West someone HRG sent to watch Claire? This is one that came up recently, in that maybe West is a trusted friend HRG met and helped via the Company. HRG asked West to watch over Claire. That might seem way off base though as the whole Claire-West relationship seems very well hidden from HRG. If not that, then possibly West is really a part of the current Company sent to gain Claire's trust so they can bring her in.

3) Who will Sylar's shiny new toy be? In the very first episode this season we were shown a bunch of intro scenes, including one which had Sylar saying "she's like a shiny toy for me to play with". This would seem to indicate Molly Walker. My guess is Sylar kidnaps her as bait to get Suresh to cure him. However Sylar could have been speaking about a few other characters such as Monica, Niki or even Maya.

4) Will Sylar kill Maya? If that happens, people are really in trouble, especially if Sylar gets upset. It would also mean that either Peter or Hiro need to be with Alejandro so they can freeze Sylar to "reverse the curse". Then Alejandro can work his magic to bring Sylar's victims back to life.

5) How is Hiro going to screw up the past/present/future? I just see it coming that Hiro will do something back in time with Kensei that isn't for the best or wasn't supposed to be done. It may possibly be a theory/motive as to why Kensei is in the present killing elder heroes. The question is what will Hiro mess up and what will it set off for the present day/future?

6) What is Monica Dawson's involvement? I can see it coming now, something involving Niki vs Elle or Monica vs Elle in some interesting female fight scenes. Maybe even a handicap match with Monica and Niki having a showdown with Elle. It's hard to figure out Monica's involvement in the story/plot so far and this makes some sense. It could also be she's just someone to give a new power to Peter and Sylar.

7) Does HRG get shot according to painting #8? - A friend of mine suggested that it is Sylar who is shot, not HRG, and it seems to make sense. Last season we all struggled with the "who's the bomb" question and who the "exploding man painting" depicted (Peter, Sylar, Ted Sprague). I believe we are being lead to think HRG is going to get shot, when in fact it is Sylar posing as him. West is with Claire and sees the guy who tried to abduct him and "bang". Best guess is the rest of those paintings HRG is looking for will show the other "elder hero murders" 1 by 1. Then HRG and whoever will be in a race to stop the next murders from going down.

8) How does Peter recall certain powers? This isn't a huge deal, the guy has amnesia. He knew to phase through ropes that were binding his hands, and was able to hear a suspicious thug's thoughts. So wouldn't he recall teleportation and just teleport himself back home to New York? I guess that's just a bit too easy and might ruin the story though...

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Powers of Peter & Sylar

The two most powerful heroes through Season 1 and now into Season 2 are Peter Petrelli and Gabriel Gray, aka "Sylar". Both are on similar paths in Season 2, as they are struggling to regain and use their powers. Peter has amnesia but is able to work powers here and there. Sylar seems to be sick or injured and needs to be cured to regain use of his. This may be a clever budget ploy by the creators of the show, as having these guys able to unleash all powers all season long could really run up the efx budget.

Here's a look at what each guy has in his "superhero arsenal" of powers:

The Powers of Peter Petrelli

- Ability to "mimic" powers of those he's been near (unknown)
- Ability to paint future events (from Isaac Mendez)
- Dream visions/clarevoyance (from Charles Deveaux/Angela Petrelli?)
- Electricity manipulation/lightning (from Elle)
- Electronics manipulation (from Micah)
- Erase memories (from The Haitian)
- Flight (from his brother Nathan)
- Invisibility (from Claude)
- Liquefacation (from Sylar)
- Mind reading (from Matt Parkman)
- Super hearing (from Sylar)
- Super Strength (from Niki Sanders)
- Phasing/Move through solid objects (from DL Hawkins)
- Regeneration/Self-healing (from Claire)
- Telekinesis (from Sylar)
- Teleportation/Time Travel (from Hiro Nakamura)

Many of the powers on Peter's list have not been displayed but fit the requirements for him to gain them as he was near the person with that power. The question mark is if Peter possesses Molly Walker's power to locate people, because it was made to appear like a "very special power" Molly has. He was in proximity of her during the final showdown with Sylar, end of Season 1, but has not displayed the power yet. Also, Peter was nearby to the Haitian up on the pigeon coop when HRG and Haitian shot tranquilizers at Peter and Claude. Peter has yet to erase anyone's memory, but this may explain why he is having trouble with his own.

The Powers of Sylar

- Ability to paint future events (from Isaac Mendez, who Sylar killed)
- Illusion (from Candice, has not been displayed)
- Liquefacation (from Zane Taylor)
- Power to freeze (unknown which victim Sylar acquired from, but assumed)
- Radiation manipulation (from Ted Sprague)
- Super hearing (from Dale Smither, mechanic that Sylar killed)
- Telekinesis (from Brian Davis, murdered Episode 1)

Things get interesting in that the Wikipedia entry on Sylar mentions that Sylar may have several unknown powers. He was on a murder spree early during season 1, yet we never were made aware of the victims' powers. Sylar killed both of Molly Walker's parents, but only took the brain of her father. A few of Sylar's victims were found frozen, so it's unknown which murder victim he took that from.

Wikepidia also claims Sylar has Charlie's "super memory" power. To the best of my recollection, Charlie suffered a brain clot that she died from first, when Hiro went back in time to save her. Sylar was unable to take the power of "persuasion" from Eden as she shot herself in the head before he could kill her himself. Sylar also exhibits some sort of "hard to kill" ability, making it possible this is another power he has.

It will be interesting to see what other new powers each guy gains as this season unfolds. And we also anxiously await the next showdown between these two mega forces in the Heroes universe...

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Peter's Montreal Painting

NBC Heroes Peter Petrelli painting

On Episode 205 of Heroes, "Fight or Flight", Peter remembered his power to paint. His glossed over white eyes scared Kaitlyn as he franticly began to stroke the paintbrush on a blank canvas. The end result was the picture seen above, which Peter and Kaitlyn determined was possibly Montreal. The street signs in the painting were written in French and earlier, Peter discovered in his box of personal belongings a plane ticket for Montreal.

It raises questions though: How did Peter get the ticket? What is the purpose of the ticket? Who might be in Montreal? Well we can think back to when Peter's mother, Angela wanted Claire to go there to hide away. Of course, Claire escaped the clutches of Angela and her dad, Nathan, and didn't end up there.

Most likely it will now involve Peter going there to protect his mother, who will be hiding out from the evil hero killer. If not that, it will be a dead end he searches for answers. It's also reasonable to believe that Elle, the new blond girl we met who works for "The Company", shocked Peter and then cuffed him into the container on the docks. This might be stating the obvious, but she went to retrieve him on the docks and was checking out the empty container. It definitely makes for a cool new power that Peter can use, and you have to wonder if Sylar will get it as well..

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

New Heroes Represent!

NBC's New Heroes Stars

Even though some fans of the hit NBC series "Heroes" have been disappointed this season and the show saw its worst ratings so far this past Monday, some of its newest stars are giving the show a new fanbase. Nicholas D'Agosto, Kirsten Bell, Monica Davis and Dania Ramirez are the new hero stars on the show, each possibly bringing new fans. A few articles and interviews take a look at the recent character additions to the show.

New York Post's article "Hero Worship" celebrates the fact that everyone's favorite indestructible cheerleader, Claire, now has a boyfriend in West. NY Post interviews Nicholas D'Agosto (West) about the relationship and also has cast photos.

Bell goes bad in new Heroes role - Discusses Kirsten Bell, the new bad girl, "Elle" on Heroes. She has the power to cast lightning bolts from her hands and previously starred on the hit show "Veronica Mars". Discusses her other TV role as well as a little insight into her Heroes character.

BuddyTV Interviews Dana Davis - Davis is the interesting new "muscle mimic" who is Micah's cousin. Her ability so far has involved her mentally TIVOing things she's seen on TV or in the streets, and then duplicating those actions exactly. She's done everything from intricate tomato carving to wrestling moves to double dutch jump roping.

EW has interviews with each of the "Wonder Twins". EW talks to Shalim Ortiz who plays Alejandro and talks to Dania Ramirez who plays Maya. The brother-sister duo can unleash and undo a terrible plague, as long as they stay together.

These new characters and powers do give some extra life to the show, which many have criticized for poor story and plot development so far. Many fans who returned from season 1, are not happy with how Peter, Hiro and Sylar are being developed. Hopefully the creative writers and Tim Kring can zap some excitement in, bring Hiro back to present day, bring Peter back to his real life and bring Sylar back to his bad self soon.

Also see Heroes at Spike TV's Scream 07'

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Submit Your Crazy Heroes Theories

Pictured above: A Heroes fan, Robbie, illustates Peter coming back to life after a tough battle with Sylar. Click pic to see his theory video.

Heroes definitely has some crazy fans, self included. Everyone's got their interesting, strange, and sometimes warped theories, but some of the stuff on these Heroes theories videos really takes the cake. Everything from a guy who believes Sylar is trying to track him down, to a dude saying Sylar is going to manipulate the power of the Sun/solar eclipse to blow up the Earth, yet Peter will use Hiro's time powers to stop it. Another girl suggests that Sylar becomes a vigilante, after killing Hiro, because he will decide to save the Heroes from extinction. Wow.

You can head over and submit your own video theories as well, crazy or not so crazy.

Past questions posed were:

Can Sylar be stopped and who will be the one to do it?

How will Season 2 end?

The current questions they are posing are:

What do you think will happen in Season 2? (very broad question)

Do you have anything else to ask that we didn't ask?

Winning submissions may air on NBC, so grab your video equipment and head over there to provide your theories!

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Heroes at Spike's Scream 07'

Spike TV Scream 2007

Scream 2007 is the Spike TV cable channel's award show which features the best of the best from the worlds of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy and Comic Books. This past week's Award show opened with a man set up on stage in a self-mutilation trap (not for the faint of heart, thanks to Jigssaw from the Saw movies). It also saw a man scooped up from the audience by a flying goblin/demon creature, because Quentin Tarentino noticed the man was using his Blackberry and not watching the awards show. Alice Cooper performed as well, with an intro featuring his own beheading in a guillotine.

More importantly, the awards show featured stars from our favorite show, "Heroes". In a section of the audience, Claire Bennet (Hayden Panettiere) sat with her fellow alumni, Peter Petrelli (Milo Ventimiglia), Maya (Dania Ramirez), Niki Sanders (Ali Larter) and even Sylar (Zachary Quinto). Amazingly Sylar was on his best behavior, and no brains were eaten during the show.

Claire and Niki were up against Jessica Alba's "Inivisbile Woman", Sue Richards from "Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer" in the Best Female Hero category. Alba won the battle of the blond superheros defeating the hot Heroes girls. Hayden redeemed herself by winning the award for "Breakout Performance", for her portrayal of Claire Bennet on Heroes.

Zachary Quinto, aka "Sylar" and "Spock", presented an award to commemorate the original Star Trek cast. William Shatner took the stage with original members of the USS Enterprise, including two more Heroes' stars, George Takei (Star Trek's Sulu, Heroes' Kaito Nakamura), and Nichelle Nichols (Lieutenant Uhura on original Star Trek & Nana to Micah on Heroes).

Heroes took the ultimate prize, best TV show and everyone went on stage to accept. Milo made the acceptance speech with Hayden, Zach, Ali and Dana nearby.

You can check out Spike's coverage of Scream 2007 videos here. Also view the full list of award winners from Scream 2007 here.

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Thoughts on Heroes 5th Episode

Upon seeing the latest episode of Heroes, I was slightly let down at the fact they just tried to cram a lot of random things into this one. For example, having Niki just break down a door, toss Suresh aside, throw "Bob" up against a wall then get tasered down by Suresh. Apparently, Suresh is great at subduing those with superhuman powers, because he was able to knock out Sylar before, something Peter Petrelli and others have had difficulty with! But that's besides the point, we also saw Peter just happen to have a blank canvas to paint on in a room. How coincidental! Then there was Monica Dawson. One minute she's telling Micah, "I just want answers". The very next minute, she's met the guy with answers, as Dr. Suresh just happens to arrive at the home right then. What gives?

I hate being skeptical or pessimistic about a show I love, but we can definitely expect so much more from this show. A recent critical article I read discussed how the show was dumbing down a bit, and tonight seemed to involve that just a bit. Kristen Bell's character is somewhat interesting with her lightning power, and you wonder if she was in contact with Peter before since he had some sort of lightning bolt shoot from his hand on Episode 1 this season. Elle seems crafted in the same way as Drew Barrymore's "Firestarter", a young girl studied and exploited for her dangerous powers. Quite possibly her father is "Bob" at the company.

If Matt Parkman's dad is the "Serial Hero Killer", it makes this season less fun for guessing about. I was beginning to zero in on 2 suspects as the "Hooded Heroes Killer". Dallas Petrelli (father of Peter and Nathan) makes some sense. Nobody can confirm his suicide/death, so it is very possible he isn't dead. He's back extracting revenge on all those who were trying to make his sons responsible for such a terrible explosion scene in New York. Remember, he wanted to save the world according to Mr. Linderman. Also, we were lead to believe Angela Petrelli and Kaito Nakamura had a bit of an affair. There's some motive for Kaito's murder and Angela Petrelli getting attacked.

The second suspect who could be interesting is Takezo Kensei. A lot of people seem to believe he's the culprit, and one theory I've developed is that maybe he is at the end of every hero we met's "family tree". Perhaps they are all in Kensei's lineage, as he was present with that original eclipse. He may possess or acquire powers as time goes on, similar to Peter and Sylar. Or he may just have the one power we've seen, healing himself. Either way, if he couldn't be killed back in time, what's to say he didn't age much and that he's not still alive in present time? Makes you wonder. The question would be what is his motive though? Seeing what Matt Parkman's deadbeat dad was capable of on this past episode and the photo Parkman and Nathan found of "Bob" with a red helix on it, seems to lend credibility to Matt's dad as the killer.

On a few final notes, Heroes won the "Best TV Show" award at Spike's "Scream 2007 Awards" show. Hayden Panettiere won "Breakout Performance". The show featured the best in Horror, Sci Fi and Comic Books. Maya, Sylar, Peter, Niki and Claire went up to accept the award with Peter giving a brief speech. Hayden Panettiere, Milo Ventimiglia and Zachary Quinto were also presenters. See more about the Scream 2007 awards show here.

Also, TV Guide has opened up voting for the 2007 Online Video Awards.

Heroes is nominated for the following:

Best TV Show Site for Heroes Evolutions at NBC.com
Best Extras for Heroes Character Profiles at NBC.com
Best TV Drama Webisodes for Yamagato Fellowship's "Takezo Kensei: Sword Saint" at NBC.com

Vote for Heroes here at TVGuide.com!

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chapter 2: Episode 5: "Fight or Flight"

Heroes Season 2, Episode #205 recap

Nathan and Matt Parkman

Molly Walker is in a coma with a serious fever at the start of the show, and Suresh is looking after her.. Mohinder convinces Parkman he must go confront his fear and find his father at the apartment Molly specified. Parkman says Angela Petrelli used to know his father, so he takes off as Suresh watches Molly. Later on Matt is having Angela Petrelli interrogated again at the police station. Nathan is at the station and convinces Parkman to take him along to Philadelphia.

Matt and Nathan go to Philadelphia to apartment 9 looking for Parkman's father. Matt is hesitant because he hasn't seen his father since age 13. Matt and Nathan enter the apartment where his father is aiming a rifle. Once Matt identifies himself and restrains his father, Matt and Nathan begin to ask him questions. Matt asks what he is doing to Molly, what he knows of the Kaito murder and Angela Petrelli being attacked. Matt's dad shows them a picture of himself with the red helix mark over it. He says he's trying to protect himself. Nathan tells Matt to "just read his mind". Matt tries to but is locked out and experiences a pain in his head. Matt's father reveals he has similar powers and tells Matt they become so much more later on in life.

Matt's father tells Matt he has some things to show him in another room that might shed some light. Matt's dad leads him into the room then a door shuts and Parkman is locked in. Nathan knocks on the door yelling for Matt but gets no response. Matt finds himself inside a prison cell, and a guard shoves him up against the wall. Nathan breaks through the door, and finds himself standing on the Pigeon coop outside Isaac Mendez' loft. Nathan overlooks a burned up version of New York City, after the explosion. Nathan is puzzled about what's going on.

Nathan and Matt are confronted by fears put into their minds by Parkman's dad. Nathan faces the burned up version of himself which tells him he is the reason the city has exploded. Matt faces his ex-wife with child who makes him feel guilty and inadequate, telling Matt he left them just like his own father left. As Matt's ex walks out of the cell, the guard returns and Matt gets into a fight with him. Nathan gets into a fight with his altered self up on the pigeon coop. It ends up being Matt and Nathan choking each other on the floor of the apartment. Matt starts yelling in his thoughts, telling Nathan to "wake up" as Nathan is choking him. Nathan wakes out of it. Matt and Nathan search the apartment for clues as to where Matt's dad went or what he's up to. Nathan finds a picture of "Bob" with the red helix mark over him and Matt decides Bob must be next on the killer's list, indicating his father may be responsible.

Mohinder Suresh, HRG, Niki Sanders

Mohinder calls HRG who is in Russia with the Haitian to tell him he's bringing Molly to the Company to get help. HRG says that once they have something Suresh cares about, they will have him where they want him. HRG warns Suresh, but Suresh brings Molly in for help anyways. While Suresh is monitoring Molly at the Company, his boss "Bob" comes in and hands Suresh a file folder of a new hero to track. Bob also gives Suresh a tazer just to keep safe and subdue any people he might need to. As they are talking, all of a sudden alarms start going off. Niki/Jessica Sanders bursts through a door. She pushes Suresh aside causing him to fly into a door. Niki then holds Bob up in a chokehold but Suresh is able to tazer her down.

Later, Bob and Suresh look after Niki who is recovering in a bed at the Company. Niki apologizes for earlier and Bob tells her she has multiple personality disorder which is a troublesome thing. As Bob leaves, Suresh tells Niki he can help her escape. Niki tells Suresh she came of her own will because she is sick and needs help. She says she gave up her son to be there and that the Company can help.

Ando, Hiro, Takezo Kensei

Ando brings the note written by Hiro on old parchment to a translator who is amazed at how aged the paper is. The scroll has a note written by Hiro, and talks about the various Kensei stories that Hiro is a part of back in time, with Hiro saying "it's like living in a storybook". Feudal Japan 1671 is shown with Kensei, Hiro and the princess planning to save the princess' father. Ando reads more and finds out that Hiro is planning to face an army with Takezo Kensei. Just then the ancient parchment becomes illegible and Ando is unable to read what happens next to Hiro. The man at the science lab helping Ando says he will need more time to read it before they know what happens next.

Peter Petrelli & Elle

In Ireland, Peter is still with his new girlfriend, Mickey's sister, Kaitlyn. She discusses him looking into the box to find his identity, but Peter says whoever is looking for him to "let them look". A new blonde woman, Elle is shown looking for Peter at the docks in Ireland. She tells the man she works for a company to help keep Peter out of trouble. He asks how she can handle him if Peter's so dangerous. Elle walks off around a corner and says "I can handle myself" as she emits electricity from her hand.

Mickey and his friend tell Peter that an American woman was looking for him on the docks. Mickey tells Peter he needs to go hideout while he takes care of things. Peter says he can take care of himself, but Mickey says he needs to stay safe so they head to Kaitlyn's loft. Peter notices that Kaitlyn paints and has several paintings around. Peter decides that Kaitlyn was right earlier about checking his identity out. Peter opens the box containing his possessions, telling Kaitlyn he wants to stay with her regardless of what he finds. Peter finds a passport giving his name, a plane ticket for Montreal and and a photo of him with Nathan but he is unable to identify him. As Peter ponders things he notices a blank canvas in the loft. He walks over to it and his eyes gloss over white as he begins painting frantically.

Elle goes to the Irish Pub and asks Mickey if he knows Peter's whereabouts. Mickey pretends he never saw Peter before, and despite Elle's repeated questioning, sticks to his story. Elle locks up the pub and then blasts Mickey with a bolt of lightning. Later, Elle talks via cell phone to her employer about how she had to use "persuasion" and killed someone while looking for Peter. Her boss tells her to return home, and an angry Elle says she almost has Peter. Despite this, her boss tells her to return, and she says "sorry daddy it won't happen again", driving off.

Peter and Kaitlyn analyze the painting Peter has quickly created, noticing two individuals in the picture, as well as a large church-like building and street signs that are in French. Kaitlyn says it may be Montreal like the plane ticket Peter found in his box of personal items. Just then Kaitlyn receives a call on her cell phone that Mickey has been murdered. Peter and Kaitlyn rush to the Pub to find Mickey dead. Peter tells Kaitlyn it is all his fault so he has to find who was looking for him and can't hide anymore.

Monica and Micah

Monica is confronted by a police officer who asks her to ID the guy who tried to rob their fast food restaurant. He shows her a picture and says the guy is a gang banger, so he needs Monica's help to get this guy off the street. Monica says she can't help. Monica's coworker asks Monica about how she did the karate kick and Monica says she "saw it on TV" and doesn't know what is happening with her lately. Later on, Monica sees Micah playing the piano at their home. Since she witnesses this, she is able to recreate Micah's playing of the piano herself. Micah asks her if she plays piano and just then Monica notices she's able to play. Micah and Monica are both shocked.

Micah tells Monica he thinks he knows what is going on with her. Micah reveals his power to manipulate electronics to her and tells her he thinks her ability and his must run in the family. Micah tells Monica that DL could walk through walls and that his mom also has abilities. Micah shows Monica the 9th Wonders comic book which features "St Joan", a "muscle mimic". Micah says the girl's power is to that whatever she sees she can do. Micah tells Monica she should test this power out. They head over to a rec area where Monica witnesses skateboarders, basketball and double dutch jump roping. Monica steps in and shows off her abilities to double dutch, impressing everyone including Micah.

Later on, Monica watches a Bruce Lee movie on TV and Micah sees her mimicking the various moves. They discuss how their powers must be related and maybe they are supposed to help someone. Micah goes to bed, just as a knock comes at the door. It's Dr. Mohinder Suresh and he tells Monica he has some answers for all the questions she's been having.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

TV Guide Offers Heroes Hints

TV Guide's latest Heroes preview reveals quite a few interesting tidbits about upcoming shows on the series.

- Kristen Bell is set to appear on the next few episodes as an operative for The Company named Elle. She describes herself as "like Claire gone bad" and says "Pain is amusing to Elle". Apparently she has a special power she uses for her own amusement and was mistreated as a child as her parents exploited her.

TV Guide includes:

She's also a spoiled brat. "When she shows up in Ireland to locate Peter [Milo Ventimiglia], she does not succeed and that gets her pretty ticked. She takes out her aggres­sion on the locals."

- Heroes creator Tim Kring has said the picture we saw of "The 12 elder heroes" will come into play and we will be meeting characters from that picture on upcoming shows. According to Kring the picture was not easy to create either but is as accurate as possible.

- The Matt Parkman storyline holds more for us in terms of why he is not with his wife in Los Angeles and living in New York. We will see more about this on upcoming shows.

Check out TV Guide's October 21st Heroes preview here.

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Sylar Cockroach Theories

In more than a couple scenes involving notorious Heroes supervillain, Sylar, we have seen a curious cockroach in the vicinity:

1) Sylar in the holding cell at Primatech Paper. Sylar's drugged or presumed dead and on the floor, we see a cockroach crawling near his face.

2) When Sylar is stabbed during the Season finale of Season 1, we later see his body has disappeared. A cockroach is seen crawling near an uncovered manhole, leading us to believe Sylar is not dead and is down in the sewers.

3) Recently we are lead to believe Sylar kills Derek with a brick, the young convict that was traveling with Maya and Alejandro. When we see Derek lying in a pool of blood, there is that pesky cockroach crawling nearby.

I've seen some interesting theories regarding this, most notably is the concept that the cockroach is merely symbolism, for how much of a menace Sylar is as a villain, in that he can't be killed, and keeps coming back. He's been shot, stabbed, drugged and fell off the top of a roof/bleachers area with Peter Petrelli. He didn't die in any of these situations, yet he lacks Claire's power to regenerate and has been trying to get it for a while now. This would seem to indicate he is able to survive very intense injuries despite lacking the power.

In the opening episode of Heroes, season 1, a reference to cockroaches is made in Dr. Mohinder Suresh's lecture. While speaking to his class at Chennai University, he discusses the cockroach as the pinnacle of evolution, and lists several of its advanced attributes. Later on at his father's apartment, Suresh steps on a cockroach on the floor. This would seem to indicate Sylar is like a cockroach, in that he has these advanced abilities yet is such a dreaded creature. The insect shows up at the scene of his murders (his own or others).

Another theory suggests Sylar has some ability similar to that of a cockroach which he stole from another person's brain. This would be quite interesting to see. Further theories suggest the cockroach is a relative of Sylar's such as his father or a brother, which doesn't make a ton of sense but is always possible. The very notable fact is that the cockroach has showed up in 3 death or near-death scenes involving Sylar though. (4 if you are to count that he murdered Suresh's father, even though it was not in the apartment).

Theories aside, the cockroach seems to be an instrument of symbolism, just like the eclipse and the helix we continue to see throughout the series. At times it almost seems like Sylar's serial killer "calling card", similar to the insects/moths in the mouth in the killer's victims in "Silence of the Lambs". Hopefully more will be revealed about the cockroach in future episodes, and it would be pretty interesting if it was tied into a power somehow.

Interestingly enough, the cockroach has its own Heroes Wiki page which discusses the Cockroach's appearances and some fun trivia facts about the bug.

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Is Heroes' Criticism Fair?

It appears not everyone is overly enthused with the Second Season of NBC's "Heroes". FlickDirect has a recent write up, "NBC's Heroes Isn't Off to a Great Start" in which they criticize the show as having weak plot lines and stereotypical characters.

The review comes after just 3 episodes of the show. I can only defend it since I became a huge fan of the show after Season 1 and realize the storylines do take some time to unfold and become more intriguing as we go along. Many people called the Season Finale a letdown, which may be true. However one of this show's strongest assets continues to be its "mysterious" quality which always hangs over our heads and the heroes' heads. Even if certain things appear predictable they never are. Last season fans were kept guessing all season long as to who or what would blow up New York. It turned out to be fan favorite, Peter Petrelli. Now fans are wondering who the mysterious hooded figure is and who the guy terrorizing Molly Walker is (revealed to be Matt Parkman's father in the "Kindness of Strangers" episode). There's also mystery surrounding what Sylar will do and who his next victim will be almost always.

To criticize the show early on would be easy. I'll be honest the three love stories are a bit much, although they are a necessary tool in most TV and movies. Claire continuing to whine about wanting a normal life can be overdone as well. But when it's all said and done the show gives us plenty of mystery to ponder and supercool powers to see in action.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thoughts on "Kindness of Strangers"

The fourth episode of Heroes brought us a few new characters including Monica Dawson, the young woman who is Micah's cousin and has a cool power. She sees something on TV, absorbs it into her mind, and then can mimic or recreate the actions she saw. Comes in handy for food preparation and wrestling moves as seen at her work at the restaurant. Question becomes how will she come into play for the new season? Possibly a new power Peter absorbs from her, or Sylar steals.

Another question is how will Peter be found? Best guess is that he will realize he has Molly Walker's power and start locating various heroes in his mind. Or somehow down the road Molly finds him. He seems too needed by the other heroes not to come back into the picture in New York and have another showdown with Sylar.

We also find out that Matt Parkman's father was one of the "original 12" Heroes, amongst the elders being picked off 1 by 1. Molly Walker indicates he's the "nightmare man" who is able to find her. Then again, she may have seen someone else in the picture who is haunting her (maybe Bob or Mr. Petrelli). Nonetheless, at the end of this episode we are left with Molly in a coma but her thoughts screaming out for help to Matt Parkman.

It's hard to rule out Nathan as the killer of the elder heroes. It seems to be a male who can fly. After seeing Nathan see the ugly, burnt up reflection in the mirror (probably himself of Peter), it raises an interesting theory. When a hero loses a sibling they feel a sense of loss and guilt and take on the sibling as an alter-ego with an evil twist to it. Niki Sanders has/had the same deal with the whole Jessica thing. So possibly Nathan is flying into Jessica type rages where he goes on killing sprees. A very plausible theory, but Mr. Arthur Petrelli (Peter and Nathan's dad and Angela's "late" husband makes sense too).

Some far fetched theories about the killer are that it's a future version of Hiro or Peter. Both would be able to do the flight, the teleporting, etc. Another possible suspect is Takezo Kensei, but I won't get too carried away here. It seems to be a male and someone that both Kaito and Angela Petrelli know of. Peter and Nathan's father still makes sense too, because nobody has really seen him dead and no mention was made of his powers.

That brings us to Sylar. My speculation is Sylar will accompany Maya and Alejandro to Suresh's to get help, but then he will do something such as take Maya hostage or kidnap Molly Walker. He'll discover or already knows that Suresh' blood is the cure for heroes' becoming sick and having problem with their powers. Basically he needs Suresh' blood so he will find a way to get it, one way or the other, then the question becomes who does Sylar kill next?

On a final note, my friend gave an interesting theory that possibly the painting we see of the "dead HRG" is actually Sylar posing as HRG and shot by West or HRG himself. After all, Sylar killed Candice and stole her ability to look like other people. Great theory, thanks to Birdeena for suggesting this..

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The Heroes Elders

In Heroes Episode 204: "Kindness of Strangers", we are shown the picture of a "meeting" of some sort that Nathan finds amongst his belongings in an apartment. The picture contains 12 individuals, some of who have been murdered.

Heroes pic1

Heroes pic2

Here's who is known to be in the picture:
1st row (Bottom) Left to Right: Unknown (Mrs. Deveaux?), Charles Deveaux, Unknown person, Unknown male

2nd row (Top) Left to Right: Unknown (Mrs. Linderman?), Mr. Linderman, Mr. Arthur "Dallas" Petrelli, Angela Petrelli, Kaito Nakamura, Matt Parkman's father, Bob (from "The Company")

So far the following individuals in the picture are dead or believed to be deceased:

Charles Deveaux - died of natural causes, Cancer (In season 2, Kaito implies that Charles' death may have been due to foul play, rather than by succumbing to his illness)
Arthur "Dallas" Petrelli - said to have commit suicide
Kaito Nakamura - murdered by mysterious hooded figure, who is stalking them.
Mr. Daniel Linderman - murdered by DL Hawkins (phased his fist into the back of his head)

According to that, just 8 individuals in the picture are considered to still be alive. "Bob" is Suresh' boss at The Company and has the power to turn objects to gold. Matt Parkman's father may be the "nightmare man" who has been haunting Molly Walker and can see her, and also may be the one killing the other elder heroes.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Season 2: Episode 4: "Kindness of Strangers"

Heroes Episode 204 Kindness of Strangers

Episode 204: Kindness of Strangers

Claire, HRG, West

Episode opens with HRG looking at the picture of the painting of himself #8 in the series Isaac Mendez drew. It shows HRG laying on the ground after being shot in the eye. Claire is seen looking down at him with a dark figure seeming to hold her. HRG discusses if Claire might be seeing someone with Mrs. Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett confront Claire about seeing any boys at school. HRG said if there's a boy, he'd like to meet him to help her decide if he's trustworthy.

West talks to Claire about hanging out and Claire says her dad is overprotective. West asks to meet him and Claire says it's a bad idea. West asks for just one night to see Claire and Claire agrees. Later that night, Claire tells her family she has to head out for a project at the library. She leaves the house saying she'll walk there. HRG follows outside, but West flies off with Claire before any of them see each other.

West takes Claire up on top of the big Hollywood sign at night so they can sit and look out. Claire discusses being uanble to open up about what happened to her in her "past life". West says she will need to trust him and asks Claire to take a jump off the Hollywood sign. Claire eventually does, and West swoops in to catch her, then flies straight up in the air. Claire and West embrace in the air.

Claire returns home from her date and tells HRG she made the cheerleading squad at the new school. HRG is upset about it and says he specifically told her not to. Claire says she's given up everything else and needs one thing that's normal. HRG says it's fine if she cheerleads then she won't date for now. The Haitian shows up to talk to HRG saying they need to travel to Ukraine to find out about the missing paintings.

Nathan & Angela Petrelli, Matt Parkman

Nathan is in Washington, DC and visits his two sons at their private school to tell them their grandmother is in the hospital. Nathan apologizes for not being around for them, but says he promises to come home. A teacher comes up and reminds Nathan he's not allowed to be there.

Matt Parkman and his police chief are interviewing Angela Petrelli in a hospital room. She tells them she was the one who pushed Kaito Nakamura off the rooftop and killed him. Parkman says they brought her to the hospital with self-inflicted wounds and she says it was due to the fact she was distrought. Matt's boss says he'll go file the paperwork and Angela thinks to Matt "let this go or they will find us all and kill us".

Nathan gets angry with Parkman for coercing a confession from his mother. Matt tells Nathan he knows Angela is innocent and reveals his power to Nathan that he can read minds. Matt says he knows Nathan can fly too. Nathan says he recognizes the red symbol and photos that were left for Angela and Kaito. Parkman says he needs Nathan help to find the killer and Nathan agrees. Nathan confronts his mother saying he knows shes innocent, but she continues to put up a front and is wheeled away in cuffs.

Parkman is with Nathan Petrelli at an apartment. Parkman tells Nathan about his wife cheating on him and becoming pregnant with the guy's baby. Parkman says he lost his job out in LA due to all the mental problems he had. Nathan finds a copy of the picture of all the people being "picked off" by the killer. It shows Mr. Linderman, Mr. and Mrs. Petrelli, Charles Deveaux, Kaito Nakamura, Bob (who is Suresh' boss at the Company) and several others. Nathan says he doesn't know the rest of them and Parkman recognizes that one man in the picture is his father.

Later on, alone at his apartment, Nathan looks through pictures of his brother Peter. He looks a picture and tells him "I'm gonna make things right Pete". Nathan looks up into a mirror and sees a reflection of a burnt up man. Nathan punches the mirror enraged screaming "get away from me!" Nathan's fist is covered in blood.

Maya, Alejandro & Sylar

Maya and Alejandro are fleeing in Mexico with the inmate they met, Derek who's driving the car. He discusses getting them to the border. Just then he screeches to a halt as there is a man lying face down in the dirt road ahead of them. They get out and check on the man, turning him face up to reveal it's Sylar, saying "help me".

Sylar travels with Maya, Alejandro and Derek and tells Maya he's heading to New York. Maya tells Sylar they are also headed there and shows Sylar the Suresh book. Sylar says it's a coincidence because he knows Suresh too. He introduces himself as Gabriel Gray and Maya says "just like the angel".

Maya, Alejandro, Derek and Sylar stop in a small village area to get food and other items. Derek finds a newspaer and front page shows Maya and Alejandro with the headline "Homicidio". Derek shows the paper to Sylar. Sylar tells Derek to go call the police. Sylar then follows him with a brick and kills Derek with it. Sylar gets into the car with Maya and Alejandro and confronts them with the newspaper. Maya becomes upset and Sylar starts to get sick from her plague she unleashes. Alejandro grabs her hands and stops it from killing Sylar. Sylar agrees to bring them to New York saying he's helped other people with Suresh.

Micah and Monica

Micah is staying with relatives, one of which is a young boy who gives attitude to Micah repeatedly. The young boy keeps asking everyone for $65 for a wrestling Pay Per View and everyone refuses it saying it's not worth the money. A young woman, Micah's cousin, Monica comes downstairs dressed for her job at a restaurant saying she finds out tonight about her management test and how she did. Micah tells the young boy he might know a way to get the Pay Per View on TV.

Monica is working at the fast food restaurant telling her co-worker friend that she took the management test and wants to make money to help her family. Monica's coworker notices that Monica has carved a tomato up in an intricate way, similar to what Monica saw her grandmother watching on a cooking show earlier. The boss comes by and tells her that she isn't right for the management position because of her home life. Monica continues to have visions of the destruction of Hurricane Katrina. Monica tells her coworker that maybe God is punishing her for being selfish and that she's praying for a way out of her current situation.

Micah uses his power with electronics and makes the Pay Per View work on the television, impressing the other young boy. Monica comes in and chastises them for the Pay Per View. Monica explains to Micah she agreed to watch after him but he needs to follow rules there. Micah hugs Monica and puts his hand on her back thinking he can fix her. Micah goes to watch the Pay Per View and Monica's eye does some interesting trick almost absorbing the TV picture into her mind.

Later at work as Monica is trying to lock up for the night, a young man forces his way in with a gun to rob the restaurant. Monica gets up and does a wrestling move she saw on the TV earlier, swinging around on a pole and kicking the man. He takes off running. Monica's manager sees what she's done and asks where she learned it, she says "on TV".

Molly Walker, Suresh, Parkman

Molly Walker continues to have nightmares about the man who's able to see her. After Matt's meeting with Nathan, he tells Suresh and Molly he needs to find his father, saying he left him at age 13 and never saw him after. He shows Molly the picture and Molly screams for him to get the picture away. Molly asks Matt not to make her find his father because "he's the nightmare man".

Later on Suresh argues with Matt about making Molly find his father. Molly finally comes out and tells Matt she will help. Molly sits with Matt and Suresh and tries to locate "the nigtmare man". She finds him at a Philadelphia apartment, 3rd floor, #9. Just then Molly's visions show a door opening and she says the man sees her and is going to get her. Suresh and Parkman tell Molly to get out, but it's too late. Molly falls into a comatose state but Parkman can hear her thinking "help me Matt!" in desperation.

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Monday, October 15, 2007

10 Cool Heroes Websites

Here's 10 cool websites related to the hit NBC show, Heroes. They range from fan constructed sites about the show, to mock sites set up for Mohinder Suresh, Mr. Linderman and Peter Petrelli. Stop by and check these out:

Activating Evolution - Mohinder Suresh's personal website in conjunction with his book of the same title. The site comes complete with a note about the death of his sister Shanti and includes Suresh's resources, interviews and theories.

Corinthian Hotel & Casino - This is Mr. Linderman's former hotel/casino. Includes a personal note about Linderman's death as well as an online games section and more.

Hana's Myspace - Hana is the character we saw briefly on Heroes, nicknamed "Wireless". She has the ability to control communications devices such as computers and cell phones via her thoughts.

Heroes 360 - Official NBC Heroes site - This site provides fans of Heroes with a unique experience where you can check out specific content created for online, TV and mobile.

Heroes-Clues.com - great site which looks at thing such as the Heroes comics, info on various Heroes-related sites and more!

Heroes Fanatic - another great site by a dedicated Heroes fan which includes all things related to Heroes. Beware, spoilers are on this site!

Heroes Wikipedia - A great comprehensive collection of info and background about the show, its characters, plots and more.

Hiro's Blog - This is Hiro Nakamura's personal journals. Currently the site indicates you will be able to create your own international blog there in any language!

Primatech Paper Company - HRG's former employer "the Company" housed its operations deep within the Primatech Paper Company's headquarters. See more about the PPC including employment info, product info and more!

VotePetrelli.com - An all-out campaign site for former Congressional candidate, Nathan Petrelli. Great official and American themed look to it!

This list was compiled by: Heroes Among Us blog.

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Heroes News, Bits & Pieces

The big news out in Hollywood is a possible writer's strike, which could potentially harm many TV shows, new and old. LA Times discusses the impending strike and how several production and film teams are racing to get as many episodes as possible filmed:

"Studios are cramming to shoot as many episodes of existing series as they can before any work stoppage. Crews on NBC's "Heroes" and ABC's "Ugly Betty" have been hustling like crazy, with multiple units racing to shoot two episodes simultaneously last week. "The studio wants to get as much stuff shot as we can by Nov. 1, but we can only write the show as fast as we can write it," Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, executive producers of "Lost," wrote me in an e-mail. (Cuse sits on the guild's 17-member negotiating committee.)" (Source: LA Times) Read the full story here.

- Heroes edged out ABC's "Dancing With the Stars" in the big ratings battle last week.

- The G4 and MOJO Cable networks have picked up re-runs of Heroes and will be running marathons of Season 1 later this month. Heroes will be shown in Standard definition on G4 and Hi-def on MOJO. Read more about that here.

- Hayden Pannetierre continues to be a paparazzi and gossip site favorite. TMZ.com reported and provided a pic of Hayden's family outing to attend a party for the popular new Xbox game, Halo 3. In case you're interested, they also have pictures of Hayden pumping gas.

- Kristen Bell 's character "Elle" should be joining the Heroes cast on next week's episode and will cross paths most likely with Claire, West, and Dr. Suresh.

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Primatech Paper Company

Noah Bennet aka "HRG"'s former job was working for the highly secretive "Company" which used the cover-employer: Primatech Paper Company. The Primatech headquarters consisted of a large building which housed paper supplies but also had secretly hidden holding cells for those possessing extraordinary abilities. The likes of Sylar, Matt Parkman and the late Ted Sprague were all residents in the cells hidden within Primatech. Amazingly enough, the company has an official website you may or may not have seen. It also includes an 800# (1-800-PRIMA16) you can contact to order a product catalog. The site states the company motto as "Paper, people, performance. Primatech, since 1962".

The website currently indicates Primatech is no longer hiring, due to recent events.

Heroes-Clues.com also provides a cool "hidden feature" the site has. When you go to the "About" page, you can mouse over the Primatech logo. It will reveal the Heroes Symbol, making the logo clickable. Make sure you have the usernames and passwords provided at Heroes-clues.com. Otherwise you get a message indicating your IP has been noted and future attempts to login could mean legal action. Once you do log in, you can then access some hidden profiles for Claire, Sylar and Matt Parkman. Pretty nifty.

Check out the Primatech Paper Company site here.

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Friday, October 12, 2007

Tracking a Hero Killer: 3 Suspects

EW had a writeup after Episode 2 of Heroes, in which they discussed the direction this season has taken so far, including the focus on "older heroes" being targeted by a mysterious serial killer.

"Kaito Nakamura is dead, but possibly not gone for good. Angela Petrelli is also marked for death. But assuming that the hooded hoodlum who's doing the oldie-offing is Nathan Petrelli — in addition to last week's clues, we all heard Parkman and his boss, played by the mighty Barry Shabaka Henley, surmise that whoever pushed Kaito off the roof seemed to just fly away — would the guy whack his own mother? Maybe so, if he's holding onto some weird oedipal thing because, um, hello? We learned in the interrogation room that mom and Kaito were once lovers! And moments later, something scary popped into that room that made the normally icy Angela Petrelli scream and thrash like a rubber-roomer." (Full EW commentary here)

Early on it seemed a strong possibility that Nathan Petrelli was the serial hero killer, but it seems a little less plausible now. After seeing Nathan in the police station with Detective Parkman when his mother Angela Petrelli was attacked, it makes it hard to believe he's the top suspect (unless...). The question remains who can this serial killer be?

Here's 3 reasonable suspects that could be the culprit:

1) West - Claire's new love interest perhaps? This could be far fetched, but the killer seems to have the power of flight, which West definitely has. Not only that but quite possibly West was the one who killed HRG (Mr. Bennet) in that #8 painting we saw on Episode 3. So that very well makes West a prime suspect as the hero killer.

2) Mr. Petrelli - That's right, Nathan and Peter's dad. How can anyone be sure he's truly dead based on the words of others? Maybe he was never killed and the whole death was faked, so he could elude Linderman. Or even better, Linderman was in on it and convinced the father to be part of the whole elaborate "blow up the city" plot. If it's true that Kaito Nakamura and Angela Petrelli were lovers, that provides enough motive for Papa Petrelli to be doing these heinous crimes of passion and revenge.

3) Nathan Petrelli - Is it possible Nathan has some other powers beyond flight? For example, can he teleport? This would put him at the scene of the near crime where his mother was attacked. Can't rule him out completely, because he surely has the motive to be the one doing this.

In comic books and superhero shows, nothing and nobody can be ruled out, but the above 3 characters seem to have motive and ability to commit the crime. Of course that can all be thrown out the window if the killer is someone we have yet to meet. Also this raises the other interesting question, is this killer the same person that is haunting Molly Walker in her dreams? Or are the two unrelated? You decide.

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The Women of Heroes

Ali Larter is Niki Sanders On NBC Heroes

It's a shame, but the blond bombshell and bad girl, Niki Sanders, played by Ali Larter is taken. She not only kicks ass on the show Heroes but is also a star of the new sci-fi action thriller, "Resident Evil Extinction". Ali talked to San Jose Mercury news about her sci-fi role and career. The super-strong hero used to be best known for her whipped cream scene in "Varsity Blues", and in fact E! Online has a Heroes related "whipped cream poll".

It seems gossip sites, mags and TV shows can't get enough of the sexy Heroes cheerleader Hayden Pannetiere. Gossip Girls has a recent October 10th pictorial (paparazzi style) of the indestructible cheerleader visiting the spa. She must have taken her Heroes' boyfriend West's advice about getting her nails done safely. Check out Hayden Panettiere Hits The Spa at Gossipgirls.com.

Yet another blond to worry about on the show, the super sexy Kristen Bell has yet to appear on the 2nd Season of Heroes but will be in the near future. She currently has lost her mind in a new role, literally. She stars as a snowboarder who suffers a bad head injury and loses her memory in 'Mnemovore'. Footage was shown at a recent film festival in Portland.

And let's not forget the deadliest girl of them all, Maya, dubbed the Wonder Twin by EW in her interview. Maya is the young woman capable of unleashing a terrible plague on everyone around her, except her brother, Alejandro, who has the antidote inside of him. The plague is almost as bad as spam and phishing on Myspace, where (Maya) played by Dania Ramirez maintains her own profile.

Sexy Hayden Panettiere Bikini & Cheerleader Pics

Sexy Kristen Bell Bikini & Lingerie Pics

Sexy Dania Ramirez Bikini Pics

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New Heroes Developments

After episode 203, "Kindred" we are left with quite a bit to contemplate and speculate about. Sylar and Peter are on almost similar quests to regain their identities and use of powers, but each is in a different predicament. Sylar is lost in the middle of nowhere after killing Candice. He has realized he doesn't have use of his powers, making you wonder who or what will find him next. Obviously whoever Candice was speaking to via phone knows of Sylar's location.

On the other hand, Peter has lost his memory of his identity and has developed a love interest in Ireland. He has decided to forego opening the box containing his personal things which will clue him in about his true identity. So for now, the 2 most powerful heroes are isolated from the rest. If Sylar does regain his powers he makes for one dangerous bad guy now that he could basically assume the appearance of ANYONE. Scary thought. Would not be surprising to see yet another Sylar vs Peter showdown this season, or even to see Sylar turn good. Why you ask? Whoever this character is that is worse than the Boogeyman just might be dangerous and evil enough to kill off Sylar as well.

The other thing we are left with at the end of episode 203 is the revelations that while working for "the Company" HRG once abducted Claire's new love interest, West. West doesn't know that HRG is her father yet, but Claire is fully aware of the situation. To make things more interesting, Suresh finds an Isaac Mendez painting showing HRG's demise due to a gunshot wound to the eye/head. Claire seems to be part of the picture, and you would have to believe the shooter will be West, the other dark figure holding Claire in the painting.

So far the Suresh undercover, Sylar lost in the middle of nowhere, new mystery hero killer and Peter's adventures in Ireland make for some intriguing plot lines. Maya and Alejandro needs to develop a bit more, but so far it's been a bit too much of the crying over the power and "RUN!" involved. However, it could become more interesting as the season progresses. Most likely these two are on a collision course with Suresh and the Company, and even Niki Sanders. Could get very interesting.

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Monday, October 08, 2007

Chapter 2: Episode 3: "Kindred"

NBC Heroes Sylar Zachary Quinto

Heroes Chapter 2 Episode 203 - "Kindred"

Peter Petrelli

Peter asks Mickie what he needs to do in order to get his life back and Mickie reminds him of the box he has with his identity in it. Mickie asks Peter to help them rob an armored car containing the winning prize money from a football (soccer) game. Peter overhears one of the thugs thinking how he's going to take all the money himself. Peter confronts the man but since nobody else can hear his thoughts, the thugs threaten Peter telling him to back off. Later, Mickie's sister says she will have Peter's back during the heist and says he can trust her. Peter helps divert the guards as the other thugs draw their guns and tie the guards up. Peter assists with the robbery job as guards start to shoot at the thugs and Peter uses telekinesis to move the armored car in front of them. Peter and the thugs make a getaway.

Later on, the thug who Peter heard thinking about ripping the others off, draws a gun on Mickie and starts demanding the money they stole. Peter exclaims how he was right, and the thug shoots him several times. Peter gets back up and uses telekinesis to lift the man up against the wall. Mickie sees Peter heal from his gunshot wounds before his eyes. Peter eventually releases the thug from the wall as Mickie's sister screams for him to stop. Later on, Peter gets a tattoo to match the ones the other Irish thugs have. Mickie gives Peter the box containing things to help with his identity. As Mickie leaves his sister with Peter, Peter decides he prefers the life his is living now and begins to kiss Mickie's sister.

Maya and Alejandro

Maya and Alejandro are in Mexico. They try to steal a car and Alejandro gets caught by the police as he yells for Maya to run for it. Alejandro is taken to a local jail and put into a cell next to another jailed man who tries to talk to him. Maya goes to bail her brother out of jail, and the guard demands 2500 pesos. She pleads with the guard to let him go because they are trying to get to America to see a doctor. The guard asks if she has papers then says she better leave before they call the border police. Maya rips the "Wanted" poster off the wall and shows the guard her and her brother are wanted for Murder. The guards grab her, but Maya's eyes turn dark black and her power kills everyone in the jail and office, except her brother. Maya unlocks here brother's cell and then they hold hands concentrating to bring everyone back to life. The inmate who was next to Maya and Alejandro's cell asks them to go with him since he has a car. All three speed off in the car away from the jail.

Hiro and Takezo Kensei

Ando is back in an office in Japan and reminisces about his friend Hiro. Ando pulls the ancient Samurai sword out of the cabinet that Hiro left with him. Ando finds that there is a small note inside which Hiro wrote for him, during his time travel to the past. Ando reads the tale of Hiro's adventures in ancient Japan. Hiro informs Ando that Kensei has power as well, and its then shown that he can regenerate. Hiro begins to fall for the princess and also shows Kensei his own power to teleport. Hiro convinces his new pal, Takeoz Kensei to embark on the adventure to retrieve the important fire scroll. Hiro teleports Kensei to a temple to fight the 90 angry Ronin warriors protecting the scroll. As Kensei returns from his quest and the Princess joyfully embraces with him, Hiro is saying he must return back to his time. Kensei seems disappointed. Hiro sees the Princess seeming to be in love with Kensei, and decides he will stay.

Sylar & Candice

A red headed woman is shown on a beach chair talking on a cell phone. She says "he's here and still sleeping" to an unknown caller. As she hangs up, she turns to see the man waking up. The man is revealed to be Sylar. Sylar asks where he is and who the woman is. She tells him it's Maui and her name is Michelle but she used to go by Candice. Candice then reveals to Sylar that she is a master of illusion, and shows him he is really on a surgical table/gurney in a lab type room, with his midsection stitched up. Sylar screams out in pain as he tries to move.

Later, Sylar is seated at a table as Michelle (Candice) brings him some food. Sylar is trying to make a coffee mug on the table move. Sylar becomes angry at Candice saying his powers are gone. Candice says once his chest has healed she will begin helping him get his abilities back. Candice then transforms herself into several different females and even Sylar himself, saying she can help him and make it fun in the process. Sylar walks up to her pretending he has warmed up to her, but then smashes his coffee mug across her head. Candice collapses to the floor and Sylar proceeds to steal her brain/power. Sylar yells out the names of several locations trying to change his scenery but can't make it work. Sylar angrily leaves the small house screaming "What's wrong with me?!" and the scene zooms out revealing Sylar is deep within a forest area in the middle of nowhere.

Niki and Micah Sanders

Niki and Micah visit the grave of DL Hawkins 1976-2007. Niki tells her son she will bring him to see DL's grave site whenever he needs to. Niki takes Micah to a new home in New Orleans, and Niki tells Micah to remember "No more powers". Niki tells Micah to stay with this new family and she won't be gone for very long. Niki brings Micah to the front door and an older woman welcomes him to New Orleans.

Matt Parkman and Mohinder Suresh

Parkman wakes up at night in the apartment with Molly Walker, hearing someone in the kitchen. He goes out with his gun to find is Mohinder. They discuss Mohinder's new job with the Company and Matt says he shouldn't be working nearby to Molly. Matt says he can't babysit both Molly and Mohinder and tells Suresh how dangerous the Company is. Suresh is given Isaac Mendez' old loft by The Company. His boss tells him they will keep a close watch on him during his work, because supervision is in everyone's best interest.

Claire and Mr. Bennet

Claire and her father, HRG, talk about their new life in California. HRG says they would have to leave town if Claire's power or identity were discovered. Claire confronts her classmate West who saw her ability to regenerate her small toe. In science class, West brings up the topic of regeneration to the teacher and it causes Claire to leave. Later, West finds Claire outside and says she should just admit she's different. Claire becomes upset and tells him she's tired of pretending but has to or else she will be taken away and studied by scientists. West tells her to shutup and shows Claire he has an ability too, picking her up and then flying straight up into the air with her.

Later, Claire and West sit on a beach and discuss their powers and end up kissing. While doing so, Claire notices a weird mark on West's neck. She asks where it came from and he says one day on his way to school all of a sudden he woke up the next day not remembering what happened. West says he recalls just one thing a man stepping out from the bushes calling his name and trying to trap him like a wild animal. West says he can still remember the face, of a man wearing Horn Rimmed Glasses and Claire realizes what he means.

Later on, Suresh is working in his new lab (Isaac Mendez' loft). His boss has to take a cell phone call and steps outside. The call is from Niki Sanders asking the man if he can help cure her. He tells her yes but in return they will need something from her. Meanwhile, Suresh snoops around the office and finds more of Isaac's paintings from the series of 8. The first painting depicted the death of Hiro's father, Kaito Nakamura. Suresh finds the last painting in the series and takes a cell phone picture of it to send to HRG. HRG receives the pic at his computer which shows HRG dead on the ground with blood all over his face and a bullet shot through the left side of his glasses. A blond girl, possibly Claire, looks on from around a corner with a dark figure holding her. Just then Claire enters the room telling HRG goodnight and he closes the screen down. HRG says goodnight as Claire walks off and he stares at the picture Suresh just sent.

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Thoughts, Speculations & Questions

Note: These are merely my speculations, thoughts and questions, please don't take these as spoilers or as what will happen, just thoughts on what may go down with the show.

Now that we are three episodes into the second season, a few things are becoming apparent and curious:

1) There's going to be at least 3 love stories to deal with this season; Peter and the girl from Ireland, Claire and West, and Hiro and the Princess. It seems a bit more lovey-dovey than last season for sure and hopefully it doesn't water down the show completely. There's also the brother-sister love of Alejandro and Maya which so far has been a little less interesting than the other situations. Looking at Maya's power makes you think she will have a showdown with Niki or Sylar.

2) Speaking of Sylar, he should be re-introduced tonight if not soon. Best guess is he was dragged down to the sewers by Candice who is now wooing him with her powers. The big questions: do they team up? does Sylar steal her power? It's going to be interesting to say the least.

3) I had originally speculated the new manacing hero-killer was Nathan possibly or even the Haitian, but now neither of those seem to make much sense. Haitian was in Haiti and Nathan was at the police department when mother Petrelli got attacked. So that still leaves it open, this dark sinister force, is it someone we have seen or someone new completely? A friend of mine suggested it's probably someone working for Linderman, perhaps Niki. However the Boogeyman's voice heard in Molly Walker's dream seemed male.

4) I was expecting the whole Hiro & Kensei part of the show to be the typical "travel back in time" concept we see in movies, however it's been very entertaining so far. I'd give that along with Peter in Ireland the two best stories of the new season. Seeing Peter unleash random powers at certain moments has been fun thus far.

5) Dr. Mohinder Suresh working for "the company" should prove interesting too. Perhaps Suresh gets found out by his employers and needs to be rescued by various heroes from some sort of safe-holding cell in a secure compound. This would make for a great episode.

Overall, the second season is offering a good deal of intrigue so far. You have to wonder when Sylar does resurface who the first victim will be? Also will the whole "5 Years Later" episode start becoming more and more true? Suresh is working for "The Company" albeit as a spy to take them down, but perhaps he changes his tune. Sylar had Candace's power in the future, as well as Nathan's power and appearance indicating he gets to both of them. Strong possibilities for this season? You decide.

In addition, you may enjoy this post over at Blogging Experiment called "Heroes' Lesson on Blogging", as it discusses the world of blogging related to Heroes characters.

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Chapter 2: Episode 2: "Lizards"

NBC Heroes Maya Dania Ramirez

Chapter 2: Episode 202: "Lizards"

Peter Petrelli

Peter gets roughed up by the 3 thugs in Ireland accusing him of taking the iPods they were trying to steal. Peter is tied to a chair and repeatedly punched in the face with the head thug telling him he better remember his name and what happened with the iPods they were trying to steal.

Later, an Irish woman named Kaitlyn comes in to clean up Peter who's still tied to the chair. Peter tells the woman 1st thing he remembers is being found and beat up by the men. The woman reminds him about a spark that sent one of the men flying. Peter says he thinks it came from him. The woman who had been wiping blood off Peter's face, then notes he doesn't have a mark on him.

Peter struggles with his hands tied behind the back of the chair. All of a sudden he concentrates and then his hands phase right through the ropes. As Peter gets up and prepares to escape, 2 men have entered the bar outside of the room he's in. They go after the girl Kaitlyn, who tries to grab a gun to fend for herself. She struggles and the men start to get the upperhand. Peter enters the bar room and blasts one man with a burst of lightning. The other man prepares to shoot Peter with a sawed off, but Peter uses telekinesis and throws the gun to the wall. The man comes at Peter and punches him to no avail. Peter returns a solid jab to the man's face which sends him flying back to the wall.

Mickey the head Irish thug returns and chastises Peter for what he did to the 2 men, saying they stopped by looking for their money. Mickey says one was the son of a head criminal boss, McSorley. He tells Peter he needs to make things right by helping them do a job. Mickey tells Peter his name is "Peter" and then produces a box of items that Peter had when they found him, including credit cards etc. Mickey threatens to put the box in the fire saying if Peter helps them with 1 job, it's all his.

Claire Bennett

Claire is at home in the kitchen and uses her power to retrieve her mom's ring from a pot of boiling water. Her mother tells Claire she doesn't have to be flashy. Claire has a discussion with her dad about having to keep her powers low key and he gives her a pep talk. After Claire leaves for school, Claire's mom shows HRG a news headline that Kaito Nakamura was killed. HRG shows his wife a painting done by Isaak Mendez that shows the death of Kaito was already painted. HRG says there's 8 more paintings in the series he didn't get.

Claire's science class is discussing lizards and their ability to regenerate and heal. Claire asks her teacher about the possibilities for human regeneration and providing new limbs for people who need them. Her classmate, West looks at her strange as Claire keeps pressing on with questions for her teacher.

West finds Claire walking outdoors between classes. West talks to Claire about not hiding everything interesting about her. West tells Claire about a book he's been reading on genetics written by a doctor, and offers to bring it over to her. Claire tells him she's not that interested and goes to her car in the parking lot, but finds it missing.

Claire visits her father at his new copy center job. Claire tells him the car was stolen, and he says he is relieved that it wasn't something else. Claire says she left the door unlocked and her dad tells her she needs to be more careful now. Claire confronts her dad about using her powers to help people who need it. HRG tells her he is trying to protect her from what people want to do to study her because it won't be pleasant. He warns her to be more careful.

At home, Claire's mother yells at her about having a TV show on. Claire turns the TV off and decides to do an experiment on herself, taking a pair of scissors and cutting off her small toe. After a moment, Claire's toe regenerates. Just then, Claire notices that West, her classmate is looking in through her window and has seen what she's done. Claire rushes outside to find him, and Mr. Muggles the family dog follows. Claire can't find West, but finds he has dropped the book about genetics he mentioned earlier to her. Claire's dog begins barking and jumping up, indicating something is up in the air.

Hiro Nakamura

Hiro finds Kensei drunk in a village area laying against a tree. Hiro sobers him up telling him they need to save the princess and the story will be told for 400 years. Kensei passes out, so Hiro takes the costume and mask of Kensei, gets on a horse and rides off wearing the outfit.

Several men have surrounded the Princess with swords saying they need her father alive but not her. Just then, Hiro shows up dressed as Kensei. Hiro tells the men to stop, but they note he has no sword to fight with. Hiro says he doesn't need one. Hiro uses his power to take all of the men's swords and puts them in front of him. A man tries to shoot him with a bow and arrow but Hiro gets that too. The men all flee and the Princess asks to ride with Hiro off on his horse.

Hiro still dressed as Kensei walks with the princess through the woods and trees. They spot a deer and Hiro remarks a deer is a messenger from God they can pass on a message from . The princess said everything she wanted has been sent from heaven already. Hiro says the love between her and Kensei will be the stuff of legends. The Princess asks to see Hiro's face, unmasked, but he says she disarms him and there are things he can't say without the mask on. Hiro freezes time, takes off his mask and then leaves, after causing flower petals to fall all around the princess.

Hiro returns the armor and mask to the real Takeo Kensei. Kensei yells at him for what he did. Hiro tells him he took the items to rescue the princess and now people are grateful for what Kensei did. The princess enters the hut and presents her father's sword to Kensei for saving her. She ten rushes out the door saying they must rescue her father. Kensei says he will take part in this, and says listening to Hiro is good for him. As the two men exit the hut, the men who Hiro scared off earlier show up with weapons. They aim at Kensei and fire several arrows into his chest. Hiro rushes to his aid as the men leave, but Kensei dies on the spot. Hiro tells Kensei he can't die, and watches as Kensei magically wakes up. Hiro then proclaims "Godsend!"

Alejandro & Maya

Alejandro and Maya meet with a woman named Nidia who takes them in. Alejandro asks the woman to take them into the US, and she agrees. Maya tells here brother she is concerned about involving Nidia and about the possibility her power could go awry again.

A woman enters the room where Alejandro and Maya are and offers to heal Maya who is nto feeling well. The woman takes Maya's hands and feels that she has something darker than the devil inside, because she fears herself. The woman calls Maya cursed saying she can't be healed, and leaves the room.

Maya and Alejandro head to the Mexico border with Nidia. She shows them an underground tunnel to take. They become separated as Alejanra quickly runs to hide in the pipe/tunnel and police descend on the scene with flashlights. Maya tells Nidia she shouldn't have been apart from her brother like this. All of a sudden Maya becomes strangley sick and turns to reveal that her eyes are dripping blood. She tells the woman to run, but before the woman can, she collapses to the ground. Maya begins yelling trying to find her brother for help. Alejandro shows up seeing what has happened. He takes Maya's hands in his and her eyes heal up as he sings. Nidia who has been collapsed on the ground also gets up. She tells them they are both evil and runs off screaming they are cursed. Alejandro pleads with her to stay but she leaves.

Matt Parkman

Matt Parkman is part of the NY police squad investigating the death of Kaito Nakamura, and ends up talking to Ando up on the rooftop where Kaito was killed. Parkman asks Ando about the picture they found on Kaito, which has a red symbol over Kaito's face. Ando says the symbol is the crest of Takezo Kensei meaning "great ability" or "Godsend". Ando tells Matt that Mr. Nakamura used to read the Kensei stories to Hiro. Matt says he needs to talk to Hiro and Ando says "so do I".

Parkman interviews Angela Petrelli at the police station about Kaito Nakamura's death. He asks her about the red symbol drawn over Nakamura's face, and she says it represents her late husband's law firm. Parkman inquires about Angela's possible motives to kill Kaito. He then hears her thoughts that "someone wanted revenge for something bad they've done". Parkman opens a line of questioning asking her who would want revenge. Parkman continues to press as Angela asks for her lawyer. She then thinks loudly for Parkman "get out of my head!"

Parkman later meets with Nathan Petrelli outside the interrogation room, and they recall meeting in Texas. Parkman tells Nathan he's sorry about Peter and offers to show Nathan to his mother. Nathan says she won't want to see him, he just came to get her out. All of a sudden, the lights in the office go out and they hear Angela screaming. Angela is shown being attacked by someone or something that is not shown. Parkman and Nathan rush to the door to go help her, but the door is forced shut. Parkman ends up taking a chair to smash through a 2 way window/mirror. They manage to get into the interrogation room where Angela is crouched down crying with blood marks on her face. Parkman asks who did this to her, and finds she is holding her own picture with the red symbol over her face.

Mohinder Suresh

Suresh shows up at work for the company to see his boss. He is given an assignment to save a dying man who is showing weakness, loss of abilities, and general signs of sickness. Suresh's boss tells him his (Suresh's) blood is the only blood that cures the virus, so to not get killed.

Suresh shows up in Haiti for his assignment, looking for the sick individual. Suresh finds The Haitian in a bed sick. Suresh tells the Haitian he has come to give him a cure. The Haitian says he doesn't want the cure and it's God will to have him lose his power, but Suresh says he will die otherwise. Suresh shows him the cure, his own blood and says they will see if God will offer redemption.

Suresh notes that the cure has worked and the Haitian says he is feeling much better. Suresh notes that if the virus spreads it could be terrible. He also remarks that it took his sister, and that he will need to bring the Haitian in for observation. Haitian asks who Suresh works for and Suresh mentions "the company". All of a sudden, Suresh finds himself at the same desk, but the Haitian is missing and Suresh' boss is there. Suresh' boss asked where the Haitian is, and Suresh has no memory. His boss tells him that means his cure worked giving the Haitian his power back. His boss says they have contained the virus and angrily tells Suresh he made a rookie mistake.

Suresh returns home to the apartment where Matt Parkman has fallen asleep in a chair at Molly Walker's bedside. Suresh makes a call to Mr. Bennett at the Copy center. He tells Bennet about how the company doesn't suspect a thing yet. Bennett tells Suresh he will find the remaining paintings on his own. As they hang up the call, Mr. Bennett greets a customer who has just entered the store. It turns out to be the Haitian, and the two smile as they are reunited.

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